- upon impact
- upon impactFig. at the place or time of an impact. •
The car crumpled upon impact with the brick wall.
•The man who fell from the top of the building died on impact.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
The car crumpled upon impact with the brick wall.
•The man who fell from the top of the building died on impact.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
impact-telescoping — /ˈɪmpækt tɛləskoʊpɪŋ/ (say impakt teluhskohping) adjective of or relating to a steering column, or other parts of a motor vehicle, which are designed to telescope upon impact, thus minimising the effects of a collision …
impact — n Impact, impingement, collision, clash, shock, concussion, percussion, jar, jolt mean a forcible or enforced contact between two or more things, especially a contact so violent as to affect seriously one or the other or all of the persons or… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
impact — ♦♦ impacts, impacting, impacted (The noun is pronounced [[t]ɪ̱mpækt[/t]]. The verb is pronounced [[t]ɪmpæ̱kt[/t]].) 1) N COUNT: usu sing, oft N on n The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is a sudden and powerful effect… … English dictionary
impact crater — Astron., Geol. crater (def. 2). [1890 95] * * * ▪ landform Introduction any feature on the continents that has been created by the impact of cosmic bodies (meteorites, asteroids (asteroid), or comets (comet)) on the Earth s surface. In fact … Universalium
impact — im|pact1 W2 [ˈımpækt] n [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: , past participle of impingere; IMPINGE] 1.) the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on someone or something impact on/upon ▪ We need to assess the impact on climate… … Dictionary of contemporary English
impact injury — ▪ trauma the damage caused by the collision of a body with a moving or stationary object. Impact injuries can occur in any accident involving moving vehicles, such as automobiles, motorcycles, and trains, parachute landings, seat ejections … Universalium
impact — I n. 1) to have an impact on, upon 2) a considerable, strong; dramatic; emotional impact 3) on impact (the pole collapses on impact) II v. (esp. AE) (d; intr.) to impact on * * * [ ɪmpækt] dramatic emotional impact strong upon (esp. AE) (d;… … Combinatory dictionary
Impact fee — Part of a series on Government Public finance … Wikipedia
impact — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 effect/impression ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, dramatic, enormous, great, high, huge, important, main, major … Collocations dictionary
impact — ▪ I. impact im‧pact 1 [ˈɪmpækt] noun [countable] the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on someone or something: impact on • High interest rates have a negative impact on spending. • The new advertising campaign has had little… … Financial and business terms
impact — n 1. collision, crash, clash, striking, bump; slam, bang, knock, thump, whack, thwack; blow, stroke, punch, smack, slap, Inf. clip, smash. 2. percussion, shock, force, full force, brunt; pressure, impetus, momentum, energy. 3. influence, bearing … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder