for\ as\ much\ as — • for as much as • in as much as conj formal Because; since. For as much as the senator is eighty years old, we feel he should not run for reelection … Словарь американских идиом
reelection — noun election again (Freq. 1) he did not run for reelection • Derivationally related forms: ↑reelect • Hypernyms: ↑election … Useful english dictionary
for as much as — {conj.}, {formal} Because; since. * /For as much as the senator is eighty years old, we feel he should not run for reelection./ Syn.: INASMUCH AS … Dictionary of American idioms
for as much as — {conj.}, {formal} Because; since. * /For as much as the senator is eighty years old, we feel he should not run for reelection./ Syn.: INASMUCH AS … Dictionary of American idioms
up for — 1. Available for or undergoing (some process) 2. Willing to take part in (informal) 3. Standing as a candidate for • • • Main Entry: ↑up * * * 1) available for the house next door is up for sale 2) being considered for he had been up for… … Useful english dictionary
stand for — {v.} 1. To be a sign of; make you think of; mean. * /The letters U.S.A. stand for United States of America. / * /The written sign = in an arithmetic problem stands for equals. / * /Our flag stands for our country./ * /The owl stands for wisdom./… … Dictionary of American idioms
stand for — {v.} 1. To be a sign of; make you think of; mean. * /The letters U.S.A. stand for United States of America. / * /The written sign = in an arithmetic problem stands for equals. / * /Our flag stands for our country./ * /The owl stands for wisdom./… … Dictionary of American idioms
stand\ for — v 1. To be a sign of; make you think of; mean. The letters U.S.A. stand for United States of America. The written sign = in an arithmetic problem stands for equals. Our flag stands for our country. The owl stands for wisdom. 2. To speak in favor… … Словарь американских идиом
gun for — phrasal 1. : to seek with determination the opportunity to catch (as a burglar) or bring to ruin or defeat (as an enemy) a malcontent gunning for his superior officer 2. : to turn all one s energy or efforts to acquire (as a position) * * *… … Useful english dictionary
South Carolina Club for Growth — The South Carolina Club for Growth is a statewide network of men and women from from all walks of life who believe that prosperity and opportunity come through economic freedom. According to their website: members support the Reagan vision of… … Wikipedia
up for — preposition a) Willing to participate in; interested in. Are you up for a trip to the library today? b) To be a primary participant in a contest. He is up for reelection next year, so he will try to control his image … Wiktionary