time for someone or something

time for someone or something
*time for someone or something
the time to deal with someone or something. (Often with the negative. *Typically: get \time for someone or something; have \time for someone or something; give someone \time for someone or something; make \time for someone or something; find \time for someone or something.) •

I'm sorry, I don't have time for you today.

I don't think I have time for a game of chess.

I have time for one short game.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • have a lot of time for someone — have a lot of time for (someone/something) to like and admire someone or something. I ve got a lot of time for Jenny. She always has something interesting to say. I ve got a lot of time for his ideas about child psychology …   New idioms dictionary

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  • have a lot of time for something — have a lot of time for (someone/something) to like and admire someone or something. I ve got a lot of time for Jenny. She always has something interesting to say. I ve got a lot of time for his ideas about child psychology …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a lot of time for — (someone/something) to like and admire someone or something. I ve got a lot of time for Jenny. She always has something interesting to say. I ve got a lot of time for his ideas about child psychology …   New idioms dictionary

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  • have a lot of time for — informal phrase to like someone or something very much I have a lot of time for Katy, I think she’s great. Thesaurus: to love or like a person or thingsynonym Main entry: time …   Useful english dictionary

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