throw money at something — phrase to try to improve something by spending a lot of money on it This expression usually shows that you do not think this will be successful Providing better education is not simply a matter of throwing money at it. Thesaurus: to spend or to… … Useful english dictionary
throw money at something — throw money at (something) to spend money in the belief that money alone will solve a problem. Many people agree that throwing money at education has not produced great results … New idioms dictionary
throw money at something — tv. to try to olve a problem by spending money on it. (Often said of the U.S. federal government.) □ This agency has thrown billions at the housing problem, but it has been nothing but a long term disaster. □ Don’t just throw money at it … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
throw money at something — to try to improve something by spending a lot of money on it. This expression usually shows that you do not think this will be successful Providing better education is not simply a matter of throwing money at it … English dictionary
throw money at — (something) to spend money in the belief that money alone will solve a problem. Many people agree that throwing money at education has not produced great results … New idioms dictionary
throw money at — If you throw money at something, you try to solve a problem by spending money on it, without using any other methods. The refugee problem cannot be solved just by throwing money at it! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
throw money at sth — DISAPPROVING ► to try to solve a problem or make something successful by spending a lot of money, rather than, for example, having new ideas: »The government will have to throw money at any problems to ensure the site is built on time. Main Entry … Financial and business terms
throw money down the drain — informal phrase to waste money by spending it on something useless Thesaurus: to waste or misuse a thing or opportunitysynonym Main entry: throw … Useful english dictionary
throw money down the drain — Ⅰ. be/pour/throw, etc. money down the drain ► to waste money: »In propping up these industries, is the government throwing taxpayers money down the drain? Main Entry: ↑money Ⅱ. throw money down the drain UK (US throw money down a rat hole) … Financial and business terms
throw money down the drain — informal to waste money by spending it on something useless … English dictionary
be/pour/throw money down the drain — Ⅰ. be/pour/throw, etc. money down the drain ► to waste money: »In propping up these industries, is the government throwing taxpayers money down the drain? Main Entry: ↑money Ⅱ. throw money down the drain UK (US throw money down a rat hole) … Financial and business terms