- take someone as someone
- take someone as someoneto assume that someone is someone or a type of person. •
I took her as some sort of crank.
•She didn't want to be taken as some sort of busybody.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
I took her as some sort of crank.
•She didn't want to be taken as some sort of busybody.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
take someone for a ride — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To cheat or swindle someone. * /Poor Joe Catwallender was taken for a ride./ 2. To kill someone after kidnapping. * /The criminals took the man for a ride./ … Dictionary of American idioms
take someone for a ride — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To cheat or swindle someone. * /Poor Joe Catwallender was taken for a ride./ 2. To kill someone after kidnapping. * /The criminals took the man for a ride./ … Dictionary of American idioms
take someone's place — To act as substitute for, or successor to, someone • • • Main Entry: ↑place * * * take someone’s place take the place of someone phrase to do something instead of someone else No one could ever take the place of her father. Joe resigned as… … Useful english dictionary
take someone's name in vain — take someone’s name in vain often humorous phrase to talk about someone in a way that shows a lack of respect for them Thesaurus: to show that you do not respect someone or somethingsynonym Main entry: vain * * * I see vain … Useful english dictionary
take someone's life — To kill someone • • • Main Entry: ↑life * * * take someone’s life phrase to kill someone The earthquake took 26 lives and injured over 60. Thesaurus: to kill a person or animalsynonym to kill yourself … Useful english dictionary
take someone up on — 1. To accept someone s offer or challenge with respect to 2. To challenge someone over (a statement, point, etc) • • • Main Entry: ↑take * * * 1) accept (an offer or challenge) from someone I d like to take you up on that offer 2) challenge or… … Useful english dictionary
take someone's or something's place — (or take the place of (someone or something)) : to replace someone or something Who will take the king s place when he dies? We solved the original problem, but now a new one has taken its place. I was too busy to attend the meeting, so I had my… … Useful english dictionary
take someone's fancy — To attract someone mildly in some way ● fancy * * * take/catch/someone’s fancy informal phrase if something takes or catches your fancy, you like it, or you want to have or do it I looked at quite a few dresses, but nothing really took my fancy … Useful english dictionary
take someone for a ride — phrase to trick, cheat, or lie to someone I found out I’d been taken for a ride by someone I really trusted. Thesaurus: to cheat or trick someonesynonym to tell lies and deceive peoplesynonym Main entry: ride * * * 1) … Useful english dictionary
take someone off (someone's) hands — take (someone/something) off (someone s) hands off (someone s) hands if someone or something is off someone s hands, they are not responsible for them any more. I m willing to take the kids off your hands for a few hours, if you need me to … New idioms dictionary
take someone's measure — To estimate someone s character and abilities • • • Main Entry: ↑measure * * * get the measure of someone/take someone’s measure/ phrase to understand what someone is really like so that you can decide how to deal with them or defeat them She… … Useful english dictionary