- Take it easy.
- Take it easy.1. Inf. Good-bye and be careful. •
Mary: Bye-bye. Bill: See you, Mary. Take it easy.
•Sue: Take it easy, Tom. Tom: Bye, Sue. See you soon.
2. Inf. Be gentle.; Treat someone carefully. •Sue: Then I want you to move the piano and turn all the mattresses. Andy: Come on. Take it easy! I'm not made of steel, you know.
•Henry: Oh, I'm pooped. Alice: You just need a little rest and you'll feel as good as new. Just take it easy.
3. Inf. Calm down.; Relax.; Do not get excited. •Andy: I am so mad I could blow my top! Rachel: Now, now. Take it easy. What's wrong?
•Mary could see that Sally was very upset at the news. “Now, just take it easy,” said Mary. “It can't be all that bad.”
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.