suggestive — [[t]səʤe̱stɪv, AM səgʤ [/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ of n Something that is suggestive of something else is quite like it or may be a sign of it. The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws... These… … English dictionary
suggestive — ► ADJECTIVE 1) tending to suggest or evoke something. 2) hinting at or bringing to mind sexual matters; mildly indecent. DERIVATIVES suggestively adverb suggestiveness noun … English terms dictionary
suggestive — [səgjes′tiv, səjes′tiv] adj. 1. that suggests or tends to suggest thoughts or ideas 2. tending to suggest something considered improper or indecent; risqué suggestively adv. suggestiveness n … English World dictionary
suggestive — sug|ges|tive [səˈdʒestıv US səg ] adj 1.) similar to something suggestive of ▪ Her symptoms are suggestive of a panic disorder. ▪ It was a huge sound, suggestive of whales calling each other. 2.) a remark, behaviour etc that is suggestive makes… … Dictionary of contemporary English
suggestive — sug|ges|tive [ səg dʒestıv ] adjective 1. ) making you think of sex: suggestive remarks 2. ) making you think of or remember a particular thing: In the middle of the picture is a shape suggestive of a woman s body. a ) giving signs or evidence of … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
suggestive — suggestively, adv. suggestiveness, n. /seuhg jes tiv, seuh /, adj. 1. that suggests; referring to other thoughts, persons, etc.: His recommendation was suggestive of his boss s thinking. 2. rich in suggestions or ideas: a suggestive critical… … Universalium
suggestive — adjective 1 a remark, behaviour etc that is suggestive makes you think of sex 2 reminding you of something: suggestive of sth: an abstract painting suggestive of a desert landscape suggestively adverb suggestiveness noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
suggestive — UK [səˈdʒestɪv] / US [səɡˈdʒestɪv] adjective 1) making you think of sex 2) a) making you think of or remember a particular thing In the middle of the picture is a shape suggestive of a woman s body. b) giving signs or evidence of something… … English dictionary
suggestive — adjective Date: 1631 1. a. giving a suggestion ; indicative < suggestive of a past era > b. full of suggestions ; stimulating thought < provided a suggestive…commentary on the era Lloyd Morris > c. stirring mental associations ; … New Collegiate Dictionary
suggestive — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. indicative, expressive; thought provoking, stimulating; remindful, mnemonic; risqué, indecent. See meaning, supposition. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Suggesting thoughts or ideas] Syn. carrying a… … English dictionary for students
suggestive of — tending to suggest or evoke something. → suggestive … English new terms dictionary