Slam Dunk — スラムダンク (Слэм данк) Жанр спокон, школа Манга Автор Такэхико Иноуэ Издатель Shueisha … Википедия
slam dunk — slam′ dunk n. spo a forceful, often dramatic dunk shot in basketball • Etymology: 1975–80 slam′ dunk er, n … From formal English to slang
slam-dunk — [slam′duŋk′] Basketball n. a dunk shot in which the ball is slammed through the basket vt. to slam (the ball) through the basket … English World dictionary
Slam Dunk — bezeichnet: einen Wurf beim Basketball, siehe Dunking Slam Dunk (Manga), einen Manga von Takehiko Inoue Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
slam dunk — n 1.) when a ↑basketball player jumps high above the net and throws the ball down through it 2.) AmE informal a very impressive act ▪ The biggest legal slam dunk came when a judge sentenced four men to 505 years in prison … Dictionary of contemporary English
slam dunk — n 1.) when a ↑basketball player jumps high above the net and throws the ball down through it 2.) AmE informal a very impressive act ▪ The biggest legal slam dunk came when a judge sentenced four men to 505 years in prison … Dictionary of contemporary English
slam dunk — slam ,dunk noun count 1. ) in basketball, the action of jumping up and pushing the ball into the net with great force 2. ) AMERICAN something that is very successful: This tour is a slam dunk a winner on both musical and technical levels … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Slam Dunk — (スラムダンク suramudanku) es un manga de 31 volumenes escrito por Takehiko Inoue que narra las aventuras de un grupo de jovenes relacionados con el baloncesto. El manga cuenta además con una serie de anime de 101 episodios más un total de 5 OVAS … Enciclopedia Universal
slam-dunk — v [I and T] to put a ball through the net in ↑basketball, by jumping very high and throwing the ball down through the net … Dictionary of contemporary English
slam-dunk — v [I and T] to put a ball through the net in ↑basketball, by jumping very high and throwing the ball down through the net … Dictionary of contemporary English
slam-dunk — slam ,dunk verb intransitive or transitive to jump up and push the ball into the net with great force in basketball … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English