- skate on something
- skate on somethingto skate on a particular surface. •
You can't skate on that ice! It's too thin.
•Don't skate on the ice until it has been scraped smooth.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
You can't skate on that ice! It's too thin.
•Don't skate on the ice until it has been scraped smooth.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
skate over something — ˌskate ˈover sth derived to avoid talking about or considering a difficult subject • He politely skated over the issue. Main entry: ↑skatederived … Useful english dictionary
skate over/around — [phrasal verb] skate over/around (something) : to avoid talking about (something) especially because it is difficult to talk about or embarrassing He skated over the issue/question. • • • Main Entry: ↑skate … Useful english dictionary
skate over — verb treat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑gloss over, ↑smooth over, ↑slur over, ↑skimp over • Hypernyms: ↑treat, ↑handle, ↑do by … Useful english dictionary
skate — skate1 [ skeıt ] noun * 1. ) count a type of shoe with a thin metal blade on the bottom, used for moving quickly on ice: ICE SKATE a ) the metal blade that is attached to the bottom of an ice skate 2. ) count a type of shoe with four thick wheels … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
skate — I [[t]skeɪt[/t]] n. v. skat•ed, skat•ing 1) spo ice skate 1) 2) spo roller skate 3) spo the blade of an ice skate 4) to glide or propel oneself on skates 5) to glide or slide smoothly along 6) cvb sts to do something, esp. one s work, in a lax or … From formal English to slang
skate — skate1 [skeıt] n [Sense: 1 2,4; Date: 1600 1700; : Dutch; Origin: schaats stilt, skate , from Old North French escache stilt ] [Sense: 3; Date: 1300 1400; : Old Norse; Origin: skata] 1.) one of a pair of boots with metal blades on the bottom, for … Dictionary of contemporary English
skate — 1. n. a drinking bout. □ He’s off on another three day skate. □ Jerry hopes that this will be his last skate. He wants to dry out for good. 2. n. a drunkard; a person on a drinking spree. □ Jerry’s a skate and he knows it … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
skate — {{11}}skate (1) type of flat, cartilaginous fish, mid 14c., from O.N. skata, of unknown origin. {{12}}skate (2) ice skate or roller skate, 1660s, skeates ice skates (the custom was brought to England after the Restoration by exiled followers of… … Etymology dictionary
skate around — phrasal verb skate over or skate around [transitive] Word forms skate over/around : present tense I/you/we/they skate over/around he/she/it skates over/around present participle skating over/around past tense skated over/around past participle… … English dictionary
skate over — phrasal verb skate over or skate around [transitive] Word forms skate over/around : present tense I/you/we/they skate over/around he/she/it skates over/around present participle skating over/around past tense skated over/around past participle… … English dictionary
skate — 1 noun 1 (C) one of a pair of boots with metal blades on the bottom, for moving quickly on ice; iceskate2 2 (C) one of a pair of boots or frames with small wheels on the bottom, for moving quickly on flat smooth surfaces; roller skate 3 (C, U)… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English