rub something in

rub something in
rub something in
1. Fig. to keep reminding one of one's failures; to nag someone about something. •

I like to rub it in. You deserve it!

Why do you have to rub in everything I do wrong?

; 2. rub something into something

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • rub something in — ˌrub it ˈin | ˌrub sth ˈin derived no passive to keep reminding sb of sth they feel embarrassed about and want to forget • I know I was stupid; you don t have to rub it in. Main entry: ↑rub …   Useful english dictionary

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  • rub something off — ˌrub sthˈoff (sth) | ˌrub ˈoff derived to remove sth or to be removed by rubbing • She rubbed off the dead skin. • The gold colouring had begun to rub off. • (BrE) …   Useful english dictionary

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