rub someone's nose in — see ↑rub, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑nose rub someone s nose in informal : to repeatedly remind someone of (a mistake, failure, etc.) He beat us all in the race and then rubbed our noses in it. • • • Main Entry … Useful english dictionary
rub someone's nose in it — (informal) To remind someone continually of something he or she has done wrong • • • Main Entry: ↑nose rub someone s nose in it (informal) To remind someone insistently of a mistake, fault, misdeed, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑rub … Useful english dictionary
rub someone's nose in it — rub (someone s) nose in it informal, informal to say or do something which makes someone remember that they have failed. I didn t tell him I d started another relationship. I didn t want to rub his nose in it … New idioms dictionary
rub someone's nose in — idi rub someone s nose in, to remind someone persistently of (a past mistake) in order to punish … From formal English to slang
rub someone's nose in something — rub someone’s nose in something phrase to keep reminding someone about something unpleasant that they do not want to think about I know we lost – there’s no need to rub my nose in it. Thesaurus: to cause someone to remembersynonym Main entry:… … Useful english dictionary
rub it in (or rub someone's nose in something) — informal emphatically draw someone s attention to an embarrassing fact. → rub … English new terms dictionary
rub someone's nose in something — ► rub it in (or rub someone s nose in something) informal emphatically draw someone s attention to an embarrassing or painful fact. Main Entry: ↑rub … English terms dictionary
rub someone’s nose in something — tv. to emind someone of something con tantly; to make a big issue about someone’s mistake. (From the practice of training a puppy by rubbing its nose in the messes it makes.) □ So I made a mistake! I wish you’d stop rubbing my nose in it. □… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
rub someone's nose in something — to keep reminding someone about something unpleasant that they do not want to think about I know we lost – there s no need to rub my nose in it … English dictionary
nose — [nōz] n. [ME < OE nosu, akin to Ger nase, orig. a dual, meaning “the two nostrils” < IE base * nas , nostril > Sans nāsā, the nose, lit., pair of nostrils, L nasus, nose & naris (pl. nares), nostril] 1. the part of the human face between … English World dictionary
rub — ► VERB (rubbed, rubbing) 1) apply firm pressure to (a surface) with a repeated back and forth motion. 2) move to and fro against a surface while pressing or grinding against it. 3) apply with a rubbing action. 4) (rub down) dry, smooth, or clean… … English terms dictionary