rub someone's nose in it

rub someone's nose in it
rub someone's nose in it
Fig. to remind one of something one has done wrong; to remind one of something bad or unfortunate that has happened. (Alludes to a method of housebreaking pets.) •

When Bob failed his exam, his brother rubbed his nose in it.

Mary knows she shouldn't have broken off her engagement. Don't rub her nose in it.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • rub someone's nose in — see ↑rub, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑nose rub someone s nose in informal : to repeatedly remind someone of (a mistake, failure, etc.) He beat us all in the race and then rubbed our noses in it. • • • Main Entry …   Useful english dictionary

  • rub someone's nose in it — (informal) To remind someone continually of something he or she has done wrong • • • Main Entry: ↑nose rub someone s nose in it (informal) To remind someone insistently of a mistake, fault, misdeed, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑rub …   Useful english dictionary

  • rub someone's nose in it — rub (someone s) nose in it informal, informal to say or do something which makes someone remember that they have failed. I didn t tell him I d started another relationship. I didn t want to rub his nose in it …   New idioms dictionary

  • rub someone's nose in — idi rub someone s nose in, to remind someone persistently of (a past mistake) in order to punish …   From formal English to slang

  • rub someone's nose in something — rub someone’s nose in something phrase to keep reminding someone about something unpleasant that they do not want to think about I know we lost – there’s no need to rub my nose in it. Thesaurus: to cause someone to remembersynonym Main entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rub it in (or rub someone's nose in something) — informal emphatically draw someone s attention to an embarrassing fact. → rub …   English new terms dictionary

  • rub someone's nose in something — ► rub it in (or rub someone s nose in something) informal emphatically draw someone s attention to an embarrassing or painful fact. Main Entry: ↑rub …   English terms dictionary

  • rub someone’s nose in something — tv. to emind someone of something con tantly; to make a big issue about someone’s mistake. (From the practice of training a puppy by rubbing its nose in the messes it makes.) □ So I made a mistake! I wish you’d stop rubbing my nose in it. □… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • rub someone's nose in something — to keep reminding someone about something unpleasant that they do not want to think about I know we lost – there s no need to rub my nose in it …   English dictionary

  • nose — [nōz] n. [ME < OE nosu, akin to Ger nase, orig. a dual, meaning “the two nostrils” < IE base * nas , nostril > Sans nāsā, the nose, lit., pair of nostrils, L nasus, nose & naris (pl. nares), nostril] 1. the part of the human face between …   English World dictionary

  • rub — ► VERB (rubbed, rubbing) 1) apply firm pressure to (a surface) with a repeated back and forth motion. 2) move to and fro against a surface while pressing or grinding against it. 3) apply with a rubbing action. 4) (rub down) dry, smooth, or clean… …   English terms dictionary

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