rub someone or something with something
- rub someone or something with something
rub someone or something with something
to wipe someone or something with something. •
The mother rubbed the baby gently with a soft cloth.
Todd rubbed the surface of the car with a rag to polish it.
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rub down — verb 1. wear away • Syn: ↑abrade, ↑corrade, ↑abrase, ↑rub off • Derivationally related forms: ↑corrasion (for: ↑corrade), ↑abrasive … Useful english dictionary
rub — ► VERB (rubbed, rubbing) 1) apply firm pressure to (a surface) with a repeated back and forth motion. 2) move to and fro against a surface while pressing or grinding against it. 3) apply with a rubbing action. 4) (rub down) dry, smooth, or clean… … English terms dictionary
rub — rub1 [ rʌb ] verb ** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to press and move your hands or an object over a surface: rubbing the magic lamp rub something off something: Rub off the skins of the peppers when they have softened. a ) to move something… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
rub — rub1 S3 [rʌb] v past tense and past participle rubbed present participle rubbing [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: Perhaps from Low German rubben] 1.) [I and T] to move your hand, or something such as a cloth, backwards and forwards over a surface while… … Dictionary of contemporary English
rub — I UK [rʌb] / US verb Word forms rub : present tense I/you/we/they rub he/she/it rubs present participle rubbing past tense rubbed past participle rubbed ** 1) [intransitive/transitive] to press and move your hands or an object over a surface The… … English dictionary
rub — verb (rubs, rubbing, rubbed) 1》 apply firm pressure to the surface of, using a repeated back and forth motion. ↘move to and fro against a surface. ↘apply with a rubbing action: she rubbed some cream on her nose. ↘(rub something… … English new terms dictionary
rub — [[t]rʌ̱b[/t]] rubs, rubbing, rubbed 1) VERB If you rub a part of your body, you move your hand or fingers backwards and forwards over it while pressing firmly. [V n] He rubbed his arms and stiff legs... [V prep/adv] I fell in a ditch , he said,… … English dictionary
rub*/ — [rʌb] verb I 1) [I/T] to move your hands or an object over a surface firmly Scott gently rubbed her back until the pain went away.[/ex] Rub your hands together – it will help you to stay warm.[/ex] 2) [T] to spread a liquid or substance onto the… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
rub — [c]/rʌb / (say rub) verb (rubbed, rubbing) –verb (t) 1. to subject (an object) to pressure and friction, especially in order to clean, smooth, polish, etc. 2. to move, spread, or apply (something) with pressure and friction over something else. 3 …
rub — [[t]rʌb[/t]] v. rubbed, rub•bing, n. 1) to subject (something) to pressure and friction, as in cleaning, polishing, or massaging; move one thing back and forth or with a rotary motion along the surface of (something else) 2) to move, spread, or… … From formal English to slang
rub out — verb remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing Please erase the formula on the blackboard it is wrong! • Syn: ↑erase, ↑score out, ↑efface, ↑wipe off • Derivationally related forms: ↑erasure (for … Useful english dictionary