rub salt into the wound — informal phrase to make a bad situation even worse for someone Thesaurus: to make something worsesynonym Main entry: rub * * * rub salt into the (or someone s) wound make a painful experience even more painful for someone … Useful english dictionary
rub salt into the wound — ► rub salt into the wound make a painful experience even more painful. Main Entry: ↑salt … English terms dictionary
rub salt in a wound — To aggravate someone s sorrow, shame, regret, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑salt … Useful english dictionary
rub salt in the wound — cause it to be worse, aggravate, add insult to injury If you criticize a student s work in front of the class, you are rubbing salt in the wound … English idioms
rub salt in the wound — to make a difficult situation even worse for someone. Losing was bad enough, having to watch them receiving the trophy just rubbed salt into the wound … New idioms dictionary
rub salt into the wound — to make a difficult situation even worse for someone. Losing was bad enough, having to watch them receiving the trophy just rubbed salt into the wound … New idioms dictionary
rub salt into the wound — place salt on an injury, make a matter worse than it already is … English contemporary dictionary
rub salt into the wound — make a painful experience even more painful. → salt … English new terms dictionary
rub salt in the wound — verb To make an injury feel worse. Syn: add insult to injury, kick someone when they are down … Wiktionary
rub salt into the wound — informal to make a bad situation even worse for someone … English dictionary
salt in a wound — If you rub salt in a wound, you make someone feel bad about something that is already a painful experience. Pour salt on a wound is an alternative form of the idiom … The small dictionary of idiomes