rub (away) at something

rub (away) at something
rub (away) at something
to chafe or scrape something, repeatedly. •

The side of his shoe rubbed away at the side of his desk until the paint wore off.

Don't rub at your sore. It will get worse.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • rub down — verb 1. wear away • Syn: ↑abrade, ↑corrade, ↑abrase, ↑rub off • Derivationally related forms: ↑corrasion (for: ↑corrade), ↑abrasive …   Useful english dictionary

  • rub — [rub] vt. rubbed, rubbing [ME rubben, akin to Dan rubbe, EFris rubben < IE * reup , to tear out < base * reu , to dig, tear out > ROB, RIP1, RUG, RUBBLE, L rumpere, to break] 1. to move one s hand, a cloth, etc. over (a surface …   English World dictionary

  • rub — rub1 [ rʌb ] verb ** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to press and move your hands or an object over a surface: rubbing the magic lamp rub something off something: Rub off the skins of the peppers when they have softened. a ) to move something… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rub — I UK [rʌb] / US verb Word forms rub : present tense I/you/we/they rub he/she/it rubs present participle rubbing past tense rubbed past participle rubbed ** 1) [intransitive/transitive] to press and move your hands or an object over a surface The… …   English dictionary

  • rub*/ — [rʌb] verb I 1) [I/T] to move your hands or an object over a surface firmly Scott gently rubbed her back until the pain went away.[/ex] Rub your hands together – it will help you to stay warm.[/ex] 2) [T] to spread a liquid or substance onto the… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • rub off — verb wear away • Syn: ↑abrade, ↑corrade, ↑abrase, ↑rub down • Derivationally related forms: ↑corrasion (for: ↑corrade), ↑abrasive …   Useful english dictionary

  • make away with — 1 she decided to make away with him: KILL, murder, dispatch, eliminate; informal bump off, do away with, do in, do for, knock off, top, croak, stiff, blow away; N. Amer. informal ice, rub out, smoke, waste; poetic/lite …   Useful english dictionary

  • wear away — verb 1. cut away in small pieces • Syn: ↑whittle away, ↑whittle down • Hypernyms: ↑damage • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Something s something …   Useful english dictionary

  • polish something off — (informal) 1 he polished off an apple pie: EAT, finish, consume, devour, guzzle, wolf down, down, bolt; drink up, drain …   Useful english dictionary

  • finish someone/something off — 1 the executioners finished them off: KILL, take/end the life of, execute, terminate, exterminate, liquidate, get rid of; informal wipe out, do in, bump off, take out, dispose of, do away with; N. Amer. informal ice, rub out, waste. 2 financial… …   Useful english dictionary

  • run — run1 [ rʌn ] (past tense ran [ ræn ] ; past participle run) verb *** ▸ 1 move quickly with legs ▸ 2 control/organize ▸ 3 machine: work ▸ 4 liquid: flow ▸ 5 try to be elected ▸ 6 vehicle: travel ▸ 7 be shown/performed ▸ 8 reach amount/rate ▸ 9… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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