round-trip ticket

round-trip ticket
round-trip ticket
a ticket (for a plane, train, bus, etc.) that allows one to go to a destination and return. •

A round-trip ticket is usually cheaper than two one-way tickets.

How much is a round-trip ticket to San Francisco?

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • round-trip ticket — /raʊnd trɪp ˈtɪkət/ (say rownd trip tikuht) noun US → return ticket …  

  • round-trip ticket — noun a ticket to a place and back (usually over the same route) • Syn: ↑return ticket • Hypernyms: ↑ticket • Hyponyms: ↑day return …   Useful english dictionary

  • round-trip ticket — A ticket for transportation by carrier to a specific destination and return to point of original departure, sometimes at a reduced rate. 14 Am J2d Car § 845. See excursion; excursion rate …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • round-trip — round tripˈ adjective (esp N American) Return • • • Main Entry: ↑round * * * round trip UK US adjective tourism relating to travel to a place and back again a round trip ticket Thesaurus: booking on and travelli …   Useful english dictionary

  • round-trip — round trip1 n a journey to a place and back again ▪ a round trip ticket from Los Angeles to New York 30 mile/360 kilometre/2 hour etc round trip ▪ A coachload of supporters made the 700 mile round trip to South Devon. round trip of ▪ It s a round …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • round trip — round trips also round trip 1) N COUNT If you make a round trip, you travel to a place and then back again. The train operates the 2,400 mile round trip once a week. 2) ADJ: ADJ n A round trip ticket is a ticket for a train, bus, or plane that… …   English dictionary

  • round-trip — ˈround trip adjective round trip ticket/​fare etc TRAVEL a ticket etc that allows you to travel to a place and back again; = return Bre: • The cheaper fares will apply only to round trip tickets with a Saturday overnight stay …   Financial and business terms

  • round-trip — round ,trip adjective relating to travel to and from a place: a round trip ticket …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • round trip — Buying and selling of a futures or options contract. Exchange Handbook Glossary A futures or options position plus its offsetting position. (Commissions are usually quoted per round trip.) * * * round trip UK US noun [C or U] TRANSPORT ► a… …   Financial and business terms

  • round trip — noun A trip from one destination to another and then returning to the starting location. Margaret purchased a single round trip ticket to and from Chicago, as it was cheaper than buying two one way tickets. Syn: full circle, retour Ant: one way… …   Wiktionary

  • round trip — путешествие туда и обратно maiden trip первое путешествие honeymoon trip свадебное путешествие round trip ticket билет туда и обратно transfer trip перемещение груза при перевалке long and painful trip долгое и трудное путешествие …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

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