round something out

round something out
round something out
to complete or enhance something. •

We will round the evening out with dessert at a nice restaurant.

They rounded out the meal with dessert.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • round something out — make something more complete the subtle flavors of a milliard round out the meal …   Useful english dictionary

  • hand something out — DISTRIBUTE, hand round, give out/round, pass out/round, share out, dole out, dish out, deal out, mete out, issue, dispense; allocate, allot, apportion, disburse; circulate, disseminate. → hand * * * 1) give a share of something or one of a set of …   Useful english dictionary

  • dish something out — DISTRIBUTE, dispense, issue, hand out/round, give out, pass out/round; deal out, dole out, share out, allocate, allot, apportion. → dish …   Useful english dictionary

  • dish something out — Syn: distribute, dispense, issue, hand out/round, give out, pass round, deal out, dole out, allocate …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • give something out — DISTRIBUTE, issue, hand out, pass round, dispense; dole out, dish out, mete out; allocate, allot, share out. → give * * * distribute or broadcast something I ve been giving out leaflets * * * ˌgive sthˈout …   Useful english dictionary

  • round — 1 /raUnd/ adjective 1 shaped like a circle: a round table | Jamie s eyes grew round with delight. 2 shaped like a ball: a plant with small round berries 3 fat and curved: Charlie had a chubby face and round cheeks. 4 a round number is a whole… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • round — round1 W2S2 [raund] adv, prep especially BrE also around 1.) surrounding or on all sides of something or someone ▪ We sat round the table playing cards. ▪ Gather round! I have an important announcement to make. ▪ He put his arm gently round her… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • round — I UK [raʊnd] / US adverb, preposition British *** Summary: Round can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): We travelled round the country. as an adverb (without a following noun): She turned round and ran back to… …   English dictionary

  • round — round1 [ raund ] adjective *** 1. ) shaped like a circle or a ball: Don t worry if the balls of dough aren t perfectly round. A round table will seat more people than a square one. Which hairstyles would look good with a round face like mine? 2.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • round*/*/*/ — [raʊnd] adv, preposition British I 1) in circles moving in a circular way The children were dancing round in a circle.[/ex] The bird flew round and round the room, unable to escape.[/ex] 2) in or to many places in or to many different parts or… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Out (poker) — In a poker game with more than one betting round, an out is any unseen card that, if drawn, will improve a player s hand to one that is likely to win. Knowing the number of outs a player has is an important part of poker strategy. For example in… …   Wikipedia

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