rip someone or something to something
- rip someone or something to something
rip someone or something to something
1. Lit. to tear someone or something into small pieces, expressed as bits, pieces, shreds, etc. •
If you fall into that lawn mower, it will rip you to pieces.
The lawn mower ripped the newspaper to tiny bits.
2. Fig. to criticize someone or something mercilessly. •
The critics ripped Gerald to pieces even though the audience just loved his show.
They ripped the whole production to pieces.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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rip someone to pieces — pull/rip/tear etc/ someone/something/to pieces phrase to criticize someone or something severely Every suggestion was pulled to pieces by the committee. Thesaurus: to criticize strongly … Useful english dictionary
rip apart — ˌrip a ˈpart [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they rip apart he/she/it rips apart present participle ripping apart past tense ripped apart … Useful english dictionary
tear someone or something up — tv. to rip omeone or something to pieces. □ The two drunks tore the bar up the best they could. CD The dog tore up the robber, and the robber sued … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
rip off — verb deprive somebody of something by deceit The con man beat me out of $50 This salesman ripped us off! we were cheated by their clever sounding scheme They chiseled me out of my money • Syn: ↑cheat, ↑chisel • … Useful english dictionary
rip — [[t]rɪ̱p[/t]] rips, ripping, ripped 1) V ERG When something rips or when you rip it, you tear it forcefully with your hands or with a tool such as a knife. I felt the banner rip as we were pushed in opposite directions... [V n] I tried not to rip … English dictionary
rip — rip1 verb (rips, ripping, ripped) 1》 tear or pull forcibly away from something or someone. ↘tear. ↘(rip something up) tear something into small pieces. 2》 move forcefully and rapidly. 3》 (rip into) informal make a vehement verbal attack… … English new terms dictionary
rip into — phrasal : to tear into like a buzz saw : attack ripped into his antagonist with fury * * * rip into (slang) To criticize severely • • • Main Entry: ↑rip * * * ˌrip ˈinto … Useful english dictionary
rip something to pieces — pull/rip/tear etc/ someone/something/to pieces phrase to criticize someone or something severely Every suggestion was pulled to pieces by the committee. Thesaurus: to criticize strongly … Useful english dictionary
rip apart — 1) PHRASAL VERB If something rips people apart, it causes them to quarrel or fight so seriously that they can no longer be friends. [V n P (not pron)] He said that communal carnage was ripping the country apart... [V n P (not pron)] To have… … English dictionary
rip — Ⅰ. rip [1] ► VERB (ripped, ripping) 1) tear or pull forcibly away from something or someone. 2) tear. 3) move forcefully and rapidly. 4) (rip off) informal cheat (someone), especially financially … English terms dictionary
rip — [rɪp] verb ripped PTandPPX ripping PRESPARTX rip somebody → off phrasal verb [transitive] informal to charge someone too much money for something, or sell someone a product that is faulty: • We all hate being ripped off. * * … Financial and business terms