lay the finger on someone
- lay the finger on someone
put the finger on someone & lay the finger on someone
Sl. to accuse someone; to identify someone as the one who did something. •
Tom put the finger on John, and John is really mad.
He'd better not lay the finger on me. I didn't do it.
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lay a finger on someone — touch someone, esp. with the intention of harming them … Useful english dictionary
not lay a finger on someone — phrase to not hit or harm someone in any way He swears he never laid a finger on the child. Thesaurus: to not hurt or harm someone or somethingsynonym Main entry: lay … Useful english dictionary
lay a finger on — ► lay a finger on touch (someone), especially with the intention of harming them. Main Entry: ↑finger … English terms dictionary
not lay a finger on someone — to not hit or harm someone in any way He swears he never laid a finger on the child … English dictionary
lay a finger on — phrasal : to touch or meddle with however lightly : do the least violence to * * * lay a finger on informal : to touch or hit (someone) usually used in negative statements I don t know what he s complaining about. I never laid a finger on him. •… … Useful english dictionary
lay a finger on smb — not touch someone, not bother to do something (not even a little) He was told by the police never to lay a finger on his wife again … Idioms and examples
lay a finger on — touch (someone), especially with the intention of harming them. → finger … English new terms dictionary
not lay a finger on smb — not touch someone, not bother to do something (not even a little) He was told by the police never to lay a finger on his wife again … Idioms and examples
lay — lay1 [ leı ] (past tense and past participle laid [ leıd ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 put down flat/carefully ▸ 2 push egg from body ▸ 3 plan and prepare ▸ 4 lie ▸ 5 prepare table for meal ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) transitive lay on/in/across/against to put something … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
lay — I [[t]le͟ɪ[/t]] VERB AND NOUN USES ♦♦ lays, laying, laid (In standard English, the form lay is also the past tense of the verb in some meanings. In informal English, people sometimes use the word lay instead of … English dictionary
finger — [[t]fɪ̱ŋgə(r)[/t]] ♦♦ fingers, fingering, fingered 1) N COUNT Your fingers are the four long thin parts at the end of each hand. → See also light fingered She suddenly held up a small, bony finger and pointed across the room... She ran her… … English dictionary