lay something to rest — lay (something) to rest to solve or end something. The trial will lay all worry to rest that the wrong man was accused of this crime … New idioms dictionary
lay something to rest — lay/put/something to rest phrase to finally show that something is not true Their smiling faces laid to rest the stories of an impending divorce. Thesaurus: to try to show that an idea or belief is wrongsynonym Main entry: rest * * … Useful english dictionary
lay/put to rest — (something) (or lay/put (something) to rest) : to make someone stop thinking about or believing (something) by showing it is not true I want to lay/put to rest any lingering doubts about my decision. • • • Main Entry: ↑rest … Useful english dictionary
lay/put to rest something — lay/put to rest (something) (or lay/put (something) to rest) : to make someone stop thinking about or believing (something) by showing it is not true I want to lay/put to rest any lingering doubts about my decision. • • • Main Entry: ↑rest … Useful english dictionary
put something to rest — lay/put/something to rest phrase to finally show that something is not true Their smiling faces laid to rest the stories of an impending divorce. Thesaurus: to try to show that an idea or belief is wrongsynonym Main entry: rest * * … Useful english dictionary
lay the ghost of something (to rest) — lay the ghost of (something/someone) (to rest) to finally stop being worried or upset by something or someone that has worried or upset you for a long time. With one stunning performance, Chelsea have laid to rest the ghost of their humiliating… … New idioms dictionary
lay something down — 1 he laid down his glass: PUT DOWN, set down, place down, deposit, rest; informal dump, plonk down; Brit. informal bung down. 2 they were forced to lay … Useful english dictionary
lay something down — 1) he laid down his glass Syn: put down, set down, place down, deposit, rest; informal plunk down 2) they were forced to lay down their weapons Syn: relinquish, surrender, give up, yield, cede 3) … Thesaurus of popular words
lay someone/something to rest — bury a body in a grave ■ soothe and dispel fear, anxiety, grief, or a similar unpleasant emotion suspicion will be laid to rest by fact rather than hearsay … Useful english dictionary
lay to rest something — lay to rest (something) (or lay (something) to rest) see ↑rest, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑lay … Useful english dictionary
lay to rest — lay (something) to rest to solve or end something. The trial will lay all worry to rest that the wrong man was accused of this crime … New idioms dictionary