- put something plainly
- put something plainlyto state something firmly and explicitly. •
To put it plainly, I want you out of this house immediately.
•Thank you. I think you've put your feelings quite plainly.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
To put it plainly, I want you out of this house immediately.
•Thank you. I think you've put your feelings quite plainly.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
put out — I ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ If you feel put out, you feel rather annoyed or upset. I did not blame him for feeling put out... He was plainly very put out at finding her there. Syn: annoyed II 1) PHRASAL VERB If you put out an announcement or story,… … English dictionary
Eduardo Oropeza — Conversant in several media, Eduardo Oropeza is a commanding presence in contemporary art. He applies a high level of devotion and integrity to his art. After the many years he has been working at his chosen profession, he sees being an artist as … Wikipedia
pieprznąć — 1) Zbić kogoś Eng. To beat someone up 2) Silnie w coś uderzyć lub przewrócić się Eng. To forcefully hit against something or collapse 3) To suddenly explode 4) Nagle zaprzestać czegoś; niespodziewanie zrezygnować z czegoś Eng. To suddenly stop or … Słownik Polskiego slangu
pierdyknąć — 1) Zbić kogoś Eng. To beat someone up 2) Silnie w coś uderzyć lub przewrócić się Eng. To forcefully hit against something or collapse 3) To suddenly explode 4) Nagle zaprzestać czegoś; niespodziewanie zrezygnować z czegoś Eng. To suddenly stop or … Słownik Polskiego slangu
wet — [[t]we̱t[/t]] ♦♦♦ wetter, wettest, wets, wetting, wetted (The forms wet and wetted are both used as the past tense and past participle of the verb.) 1) ADJ GRADED If something is wet, it is covered in water, rain, sweat, tears, or another liquid … English dictionary
in plain English — {adv. phr.} Plainly; simply; in clear language. * /Stop healing around the bush and saying that John prevaricates ; in plain English he is a liar./ … Dictionary of American idioms
in plain English — {adv. phr.} Plainly; simply; in clear language. * /Stop healing around the bush and saying that John prevaricates ; in plain English he is a liar./ … Dictionary of American idioms
ethics — /eth iks/, n.pl. 1. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a system of moral principles: the ethics of a culture. 2. the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics;… … Universalium
metaphysics — /met euh fiz iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. the branch of philosophy that treats of first principles, includes ontology and cosmology, and is intimately connected with epistemology. 2. philosophy, esp. in its more abstruse branches. 3. the… … Universalium
The Sacrament of Penance — The Sacrament of Penance † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Sacrament of Penance Penance is a sacrament of the New Law instituted by Christ in which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the priest s absolution to… … Catholic encyclopedia
science, philosophy of — Branch of philosophy that attempts to elucidate the nature of scientific inquiry observational procedures, patterns of argument, methods of representation and calculation, metaphysical presuppositions and evaluate the grounds of their validity… … Universalium