put something over on someone
- put something over on someone
put something over on someone & put one over onsomeone
to play a trick on someone; to deceive someone with something. •
We really put one over on the teacher and boy, was he mad.
I'm too observant. You can't put anything over on me.
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put something over the top — put (someone/something) over the top to cause someone to have enough of something to achieve a goal. The award put his popularity over the top in a dramatic way. We re trying to make a deal that pushes our team over the top. Usage notes:… … New idioms dictionary
put something over — put someone/something/ before/over/above/ phrase to consider someone or something as being more important than someone or something else The company had been accused of putting profits before safety. T … Useful english dictionary
put one over on — (informal).See hoodwink. → put * * * put one over on (informal) 1. To gain an advantage over someone 2. To deceive someone • • • Main Entry: ↑over * * * … Useful english dictionary
put something before — put someone/something/ before/over/above/ phrase to consider someone or something as being more important than someone or something else The company had been accused of putting profits before safety. T … Useful english dictionary
put something above — put someone/something/ before/over/above/ phrase to consider someone or something as being more important than someone or something else The company had been accused of putting profits before safety. T … Useful english dictionary
put over — verb 1. communicate successfully (Freq. 1) I couldn t get across the message He put over the idea very well • Syn: ↑get across • Hypernyms: ↑communicate, ↑pass on, ↑p … Useful english dictionary
put something across/over — COMMUNICATE, convey, get across/over, explain, make clear, spell out, clarify; get through to someone. → put … Useful english dictionary
put one over on — informal deceive (someone) into accepting something false. → put … English new terms dictionary
put — [ put ] (past tense and past participle put) verb transitive *** ▸ 1 move something to position ▸ 2 cause to be in situation ▸ 3 write/print something ▸ 4 make someone go to place ▸ 5 give position on list ▸ 6 build/place somewhere ▸ 7 express in … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
put — [poot] vt. put, putting [ME putten < or akin to OE potian, to push: mod. senses prob. < Scand, as in Dan putte, Swed dial. putta, to put away, push, akin to OE pyttan, to sting, goad] 1. a) to drive or send by a blow, shot, or thrust [to… … English World dictionary
turn something over — turn (someone/something) over to put someone or something under the control of someone. As soon as Roger came home his Dad turned him over to the police. Eventually she turned over the company to her son … New idioms dictionary