put something on the map — put (something) on the map to make something famous. The Macintosh operating system put Apple computers on the map … New idioms dictionary
put something on the map — put someone/something on the map informal phrase to make someone or something famous It was a role that really put her on the map as a serious actor. Thesaurus: to make someone or something well known or more importantsynonym Main entry: map * * … Useful english dictionary
put something on the map — put (swh/something/someone) on the map to make a place, thing, or person famous. The Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition of 1909 put Seattle on the map. If Newcastle United win the championship it will really put them back on the map as far as… … New idioms dictionary
put something on the map — bring something to prominence. → map … English new terms dictionary
put someone on the map — put someone/something on the map informal phrase to make someone or something famous It was a role that really put her on the map as a serious actor. Thesaurus: to make someone or something well known or more importantsynonym Main entry: map … Useful english dictionary
put swh on the map — put (swh/something/someone) on the map to make a place, thing, or person famous. The Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition of 1909 put Seattle on the map. If Newcastle United win the championship it will really put them back on the map as far as… … New idioms dictionary
put someone on the map — put (swh/something/someone) on the map to make a place, thing, or person famous. The Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition of 1909 put Seattle on the map. If Newcastle United win the championship it will really put them back on the map as far as… … New idioms dictionary
put on the map — put (something) on the map to make something famous. The Macintosh operating system put Apple computers on the map … New idioms dictionary
put something or someone on the map — put (something or someone) on the map : to make (a place, a person, etc.) famous or well known The story has put our little town on the map. The success of his first album really put him on the map in the music industry. • • • Main Entry: ↑map … Useful english dictionary
put on the map — put (swh/something/someone) on the map to make a place, thing, or person famous. The Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition of 1909 put Seattle on the map. If Newcastle United win the championship it will really put them back on the map as far as… … New idioms dictionary
put on the map — phrasal : to give great prominence of fame to (as a city, a region) : make widely known discovery of rich uranium deposits really put that section of the country on the map * * * put on the map To bring to public attention, to make well known • • … Useful english dictionary