praise someone or something to the skies
- praise someone or something to the skies
praise someone or something to the skies
Fig. to give someone or something much praise. •
He wasn't very good, but his friends praised him to the skies.
They liked your pie. Everyone praised it to the skies.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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praise someone or something to the skies — praise (someone or something) to the skies : to praise someone or something very much Critics have praised the play to the skies. • • • Main Entry: ↑praise praise (someone or something) to the skies see ↑praise, 1 • • • … Useful english dictionary
praise something to the skies — praise (someone/something) to the skies to praise someone or something very much. At first she would praise him to the skies for every minor achievement … New idioms dictionary
praise to the skies — praise (someone or something) to the skies : to praise someone or something very much Critics have praised the play to the skies. • • • Main Entry: ↑praise praise (someone or something) to the skies see ↑praise, 1 • • • … Useful english dictionary
praise someone to the skies — praise (someone/something) to the skies to praise someone or something very much. At first she would praise him to the skies for every minor achievement … New idioms dictionary
praise to the skies — praise (someone/something) to the skies to praise someone or something very much. At first she would praise him to the skies for every minor achievement … New idioms dictionary
praise — praise1 [preız] v [T] [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: preisier, from Late Latin pretiare to value highly , from Latin pretium; PRICE1] 1.) to say that you admire and approve of someone or something, especially publicly ≠ ↑criticize ▪ Jane … Dictionary of contemporary English
praise — 1 verb (T) 1 to say that you admire and approve of someone or something, especially publicly: The play was praised by the critics when it was first shown on Broadway. | praise sb/sth for sth: The Mayor praised the rescue team for their courage. | … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
The Idler (1758–1760) — This article is about the 18th century series of essays. For other publications called The Idler, see The Idler (disambiguation). The Idler was a series of 103 essays, all but twelve of them by Samuel Johnson, published in the London weekly the… … Wikipedia
The X-Files — This article is about the TV show. For other uses, see The X Files (disambiguation). The X Files Title screenshot Genre Drama, science fiction, horror, mystery, thriller … Wikipedia
List of performances on Top of the Pops — NOTOC Contents 1960s: 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 1970s: 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 1979 1980s: 1980 | 1981 1982 | 1983 | 1984 1985 | 1986 | 1987 1988 | 1989 1990s: 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 1994 |… … Wikipedia
Ode to the West Wind — 1820 publication in the Prometheus Unbound with Other Poems collection. 1820 cover of Pro … Wikipedia