play something out — act the whole of a drama; enact a scene or role * * * ˌplay sthˈout derived when an event is played out, it happens Syn: ↑enact • Their love affair was played out against the backdrop of war. Main entry: ↑playderived … Useful english dictionary
play (something) by ear — 1. to deal with a situation as it develops and without a plan. I m not sure if I can go bowling or not, I ll just have to play it by ear. Usage notes: sometimes used with other verbs: I write by ear, and rarely with any exact notion of how I want … New idioms dictionary
pound something out — 1. tv. to play something loudly on the piano, perhaps with difficulty. □ Here, pound this one out. A little softer, please. CD She was pounding out a nice little tune. 2. tv. to type something on a typewriter. □ I have finished writing it. Can I… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
hammer something out — laboriously work out the details of a plan or agreement. → hammer hammer something out play a tune on a piano loudly and unskilfully. → hammer … English new terms dictionary
beat something out — tv. to type something or play something on the piano. □ It’ll just take me a few minutes to beat this out. CD He beat out a cheery song on the old ivories … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
belt something out — informal sing or play something loudly and without finesse. → belt … English new terms dictionary
thump something out — play a tune on a piano enthusiastically but heavy handedly. → thump … English new terms dictionary
hammer something out — THRASH OUT, work out, agree on, sort out, decide on, bring about, effect, produce, broker, negotiate, reach an agreement on. → hammer * * * 1) make something by shaping metal with a hammer 2) laboriously work out the details of a plan or… … Useful english dictionary
pound something out — type something with heavy keystrokes an old typewriter on which she pounded out her poems ■ produce music by striking an instrument heavily and repeatedly the women pounded out a ringing tattoo on several oil drums * * * ˌpound sthˈout derived to … Useful english dictionary
belt something out — sing or play a song loudly and forcefully * * * ˌbelt sthˈout derived (informal) to sing a song or play music loudly • Nobody can belt out a tune like she can. • The band was belting out songs from the 1940s. Main e … Useful english dictionary
bang something out — informal 1) play music noisily, enthusiastically, and typically unskillfully Dad was annihilating a Beethoven sonata, banging out notes 2) produce hurriedly or in great quantities they weren t banging out ads in my day the way they are now … Useful english dictionary