play — ► VERB 1) engage in games or other activities for enjoyment rather than for a serious or practical purpose. 2) take part in (a sport or contest). 3) compete against. 4) take a specified position in a sports team. 5) represent (a character) in a… … English terms dictionary
play — [plā] vi. [ME plein < OE plegan, to play, be active] 1. to move lightly, rapidly, or erratically; flutter [sunlight playing on the waves] 2. to amuse oneself, as by taking part in a game or sport; engage in recreation 3. to take active part in … English World dictionary
play — play1 W1S1 [pleı] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(children)¦ 2¦(sports/games)¦ 3¦(music)¦ 4¦(radio/cd etc)¦ 5¦(theatre/film)¦ 6 play a part/role 7 play ball 8¦(pretend)¦ 9¦(behave)¦ 10 play games … Dictionary of contemporary English
play — 1 /pleI/ verb 1 CHILDREN (I, T) when children play, they do things that they enjoy, often together or with toys: The children ran off to play on the beach. | play sth: The boys were playing soldiers. | I don t want to play that game! (+ with):… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
play — play1 [ pleı ] verb *** ▸ 1 take part in sport/game ▸ 2 make music/sound ▸ 3 have part in play, etc. ▸ 4 when children have fun ▸ 5 when light moves ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive or transitive to take part in a sport or game: The girls are out… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
play — playingly, adv. playless, adj. playlike, adj. /play/, n. 1. a dramatic composition or piece; drama. 2. a dramatic performance, as on the stage. 3. exercise or activity for amusement or recreation. 4. fun or jest, as opposed to seriousness: I said … Universalium
play */*/*/ — I UK [pleɪ] / US verb Word forms play : present tense I/you/we/they play he/she/it plays present participle playing past tense played past participle played 1) [intransitive/transitive] to take part in a sport or game The children were playing… … English dictionary
play — [[t]ple͟ɪ[/t]] ♦ plays, playing, played 1) VERB When children, animals, or perhaps adults play, they spend time doing enjoyable things, such as using toys and taking part in games. ...invite the children round to play... They played in the little … English dictionary
play — verb 1》 engage in games or other activities for enjoyment rather than for a serious or practical purpose. ↘amuse oneself by engaging in imaginative pretence. ↘(play with) treat inconsiderately for one s own amusement: she likes to play… … English new terms dictionary
play — /pleɪ / (say play) noun 1. a dramatic composition or piece; a drama. 2. a dramatic performance, as on the stage. 3. exercise or action by way of amusement or recreation. 4. fun, jest, or trifling, as opposed to earnest: he said it merely in play …
down — 1. mod. depressed; melancholy. (See also down with something.) HI feel sort of down today. □ We’re all a little down. 2. mod. [of a machine] inoperative. (Originally said of a computer.) □ The system is down. Come back later. □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions