for someone's part — for someone’s part formal phrase used for emphasizing who you are referring to in a statement about something For my part, I would prefer to continue with the current plan. Napoleon’s army was weakened and the British, for their part, were eager… … Useful english dictionary
work for someone — spoken phrase used for saying that you agree with a plan or like a particular idea ‘If you don’t mind driving, I can read the map.’ ‘That works for me.’ Thesaurus: ways of agreeing with someonesynonym Main entry: work … Useful english dictionary
for someone's part — formal used for emphasizing who you are referring to in a statement about something For my part, I would prefer to continue with the current plan. Napoleon s army was weakened and the British, for their part, were eager to attack … English dictionary
go to bat for someone — mainly american informal phrase to give someone your support and help Thesaurus: to help someonesynonym to support an idea, plan or personsynonym Main entry: bat … Useful english dictionary
work for someone — spoken used for saying that you agree with a plan or like a particular idea If you don t mind driving, I can read the map. That works for me … English dictionary
for — [ weak fər, strong fɔr ] function word *** For can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): I bought some flowers for Chloe. Wait there for a while. as a conjunction (connecting two clauses): I told her to leave, for… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Plan Kathleen — Plan Kathleen, sometimes referred to as Artus Plan, was a military plan for the invasion of Northern Ireland sanctioned by Stephen Hayes, Acting Irish Republican Army (IRA) Chief of Staff, in 1940.[1] Plan Kathleen is frequently confused with… … Wikipedia
plan# — plan n Plan, design, plot, scheme, project, as nouns, denote a proposed method of doing or making something or of achieving a given end, and as verbs, to devise such a method. Plan, in its widest sense, regularly implies mental formulation of the … New Dictionary of Synonyms
for */*/*/ — strong UK [fɔː(r)] / US [fɔr] weak UK [fə(r)] / US [fər] preposition, conjunction Summary: For can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): I bought some flowers for Chloe. ♦ Wait there for a while. as a conjunction… … English dictionary
Plan Paulson — Immeuble abritant le Département du Trésor des États Unis Le Plan Paulson, ou TARP[note 1], est l une des mesures mises en place par les États Unis à partir de septembre 2008 pour faire face à la crise financière de 2008, elle même enfantée par… … Wikipédia en Français
plan — ▪ I. plan plan 1 [plæn] verb planned PTandPPX planning PRESPARTX 1. [intransitive, transitive] to think carefully about something you want to do in the future, and decide exactly how you will do it: • We ve been planning this … Financial and business terms