out of left field

out of left field
out of left field
suddenly; from an unexpected source or direction. (See also out in left field.) •

Most of your ideas are out of left field.

All of his paintings are right out of left field.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • out in left field — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Far from the right answer; wrong; astray. * /Johnny tried to answer the teacher s question but he was way out in left field./ * /Susan tried to guess what the surprise was but she was way out in left field./ 2. Speaking or …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out in left field — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Far from the right answer; wrong; astray. * /Johnny tried to answer the teacher s question but he was way out in left field./ * /Susan tried to guess what the surprise was but she was way out in left field./ 2. Speaking or …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out in left field — US informal : very strange or unusual ideas that are out in left field Her position is way out in left field. • • • Main Entry: ↑left field …   Useful english dictionary

  • Out of Left Field — For the popular Baseball phrase out of left field , see Left fielder#Out of left field. Out of Left Field Studio album by Hank Williams, Jr …   Wikipedia

  • out\ in\ left\ field — adj. phr. informal Far from the right answer; wrong; astray. Johnny tried to answer the teacher s question but he was way out in left field. Susan tried to guess what the surprise was but she was way out in left field. 2. Speaking or acting very… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • out in left field — (way) out in left field not effective, useful, or likely. Some of these ideas are from out in left field, and I can t imagine where my students get them from …   New idioms dictionary

  • out in left field — mod. wrong; off base; loony. □ Don’t pay any attention to her. She’s out in left field as usual. □ That guy is out in left field a real nut …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • out of left field — mod. suddenly; from an unexpected source or direction. □ Most of your ideas are out of left field. □ All of his paintings are right out of left field …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • out in left field — not logical or sensible, all wet    Don t listen to his advice. He s out in left field …   English idioms

  • out in left field — far from the right answer What he said was totally out in left field. He has no idea what we were talking about …   Idioms and examples

  • out of left field — not expected or prepared for. A fierce storm came out of left field and surprised everyone …   New idioms dictionary

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