- out of left field
- out of left fieldsuddenly; from an unexpected source or direction. (See also out in left field.) •
Most of your ideas are out of left field.
•All of his paintings are right out of left field.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Most of your ideas are out of left field.
•All of his paintings are right out of left field.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
out in left field — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Far from the right answer; wrong; astray. * /Johnny tried to answer the teacher s question but he was way out in left field./ * /Susan tried to guess what the surprise was but she was way out in left field./ 2. Speaking or … Dictionary of American idioms
out in left field — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Far from the right answer; wrong; astray. * /Johnny tried to answer the teacher s question but he was way out in left field./ * /Susan tried to guess what the surprise was but she was way out in left field./ 2. Speaking or … Dictionary of American idioms
out in left field — US informal : very strange or unusual ideas that are out in left field Her position is way out in left field. • • • Main Entry: ↑left field … Useful english dictionary
Out of Left Field — For the popular Baseball phrase out of left field , see Left fielder#Out of left field. Out of Left Field Studio album by Hank Williams, Jr … Wikipedia
out\ in\ left\ field — adj. phr. informal Far from the right answer; wrong; astray. Johnny tried to answer the teacher s question but he was way out in left field. Susan tried to guess what the surprise was but she was way out in left field. 2. Speaking or acting very… … Словарь американских идиом
out in left field — (way) out in left field not effective, useful, or likely. Some of these ideas are from out in left field, and I can t imagine where my students get them from … New idioms dictionary
out in left field — mod. wrong; off base; loony. □ Don’t pay any attention to her. She’s out in left field as usual. □ That guy is out in left field a real nut … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
out of left field — mod. suddenly; from an unexpected source or direction. □ Most of your ideas are out of left field. □ All of his paintings are right out of left field … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
out in left field — not logical or sensible, all wet Don t listen to his advice. He s out in left field … English idioms
out in left field — far from the right answer What he said was totally out in left field. He has no idea what we were talking about … Idioms and examples
out of left field — not expected or prepared for. A fierce storm came out of left field and surprised everyone … New idioms dictionary