on the wrong side of someone
- on the wrong side of someone
*on the wrong side of someone & *on someone's wrong side
Fig. out of favor with someone. (*Typically:
be \on the wrong side of someone
; get \on the wrong side of someone.) •
Don't get on the wrong side of her.
I do what I can not to get on the wrong side of people.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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get on the wrong side of someone — phrase to make someone feel angry towards you I don’t want to get on the wrong side of her because she could make things difficult for me. Thesaurus: to make someone angry or annoyedsynonym Main entry: wrong … Useful english dictionary
on the wrong side of someone — on the right/wrong/side of someone informal phrase if you are on the right or wrong side of someone, they like do not like you Whatever you do, don’t get on the wrong side of him! Thesaurus: words used to describe relations and relationships … Useful english dictionary
get on the wrong side of someone — to make someone feel angry towards you I don t want to get on the wrong side of her because she could make things difficult for me … English dictionary
on the right side of someone — on the right/wrong/side of someone informal phrase if you are on the right or wrong side of someone, they like do not like you Whatever you do, don’t get on the wrong side of him! Thesaurus: words used to describe relations and relationships … Useful english dictionary
on the wrong side of something — 1) informal if someone is on the wrong side of forty, fifty etc, they are older than forty, fifty etc 2) if someone gets on the wrong side of the law, they do something illegal and have to deal with the police … English dictionary
get out of the wrong side of bed — get out of the right/wrong/side of bed humorous phrase used for saying that someone is in a good bad mood I think the boss must have got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning! Thesaurus: to be, or to become angry or annoyedsynonym to be,… … Useful english dictionary
(on) the wrong side of 40 — (on) the right/wrong/side of 40/50/etc informal phrase younger or older than 40 50 etc She didn’t think anyone would be interested in a woman the wrong side of 50 … Useful english dictionary
(on) the wrong side of 50 — (on) the right/wrong/side of 40/50/etc informal phrase younger or older than 40 50 etc She didn’t think anyone would be interested in a woman the wrong side of 50 … Useful english dictionary
get out of bed on the wrong side — British, American & Australian, American if someone got out of bed on the wrong side, they are in a bad mood and are easily annoyed all day. What s the matter with you? Did you get out of bed on the wrong side or something? … New idioms dictionary
side with someone — side with (someone) to agree with or support someone. When workers have sued companies for violating their privacy, judges have usually sided with the employer. Usage notes: the opposite meaning is expressed by side against someone to disagree… … New idioms dictionary
on the wrong side of — 1》 out of favour with (someone). 2》 somewhat more than (a specified age). → wrong … English new terms dictionary