none too something

none too something
none too something
not very something; not at all something. •

The towels in the bathroom were none too clean.

It was none too warm in their house.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • none too — (informal) Not very • • • Main Entry: ↑none none too 1. Hardly, barely 2. Not very • • • Main Entry: ↑too * * * none too phrase not at all …   Useful english dictionary

  • None Too Soon — Studio album by Allan Holdsworth Released …   Wikipedia

  • none too pleased — not/none/too pleased phrase used for saying that someone is annoyed about something Dad wasn’t too pleased about me losing the keys. Thesaurus: feeling angry or annoyedsynonym Main entry: pleased * * * far from ˈ …   Useful english dictionary

  • none — [ nʌn ] function word, quantifier *** None can be used in the following ways: as a pronoun: I asked for some more cake, but there was none left. (followed by of ): None of my friends will help me. as an adverb: She pushed him none too gently back …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • too — W1S1 [tu:] adv [: Old English; Origin: to to, too ] 1.) [+ adjective/adverb] more than is acceptable or possible ▪ Do you think the music s too loud? ▪ You ve put too much salt in the soup. ▪ There are too many cars on the road. much/far too ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • none — [[t]nʌ̱n[/t]] ♦♦ 1) QUANT: QUANT of def n None of something means not even a small amount of it. None of a group of people or things means not even one of them. She did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself... None of us knew how to treat …   English dictionary

  • none — none1 W2S1 [nʌn] pron [: Old English; Origin: nan, from ne not + an one ] 1.) not any amount of something or not one of a group of people or things ▪ I wish I could offer you some cake but there s none left. ▪ Although these were good students,… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • none — 1 /nVn/ pronoun 1 not any of something: I was going to offer you some cake but there s none left. | none of: Everyone was talking about it it did not matter to them that none of it was true. | She had inherited none of her mother s beauty. | none …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • none */*/*/ — UK [nʌn] / US adverb, pronoun Summary: None can be used in the following ways: as a pronoun: I asked for some more cake, but there was none left. (followed by of ): None of my friends will help me. as an adverb: She pushed him none too gently… …   English dictionary

  • too — I [[t]tu͟ː[/t]] ADDING SOMETHING OR RESPONDING ♦ 1) ADV: cl/group ADV You use too after mentioning another person, thing, or aspect that a previous statement applies to or includes. Nice to talk to you. Nice to talk to you too. ... I ve got a… …   English dictionary

  • none*/*/*/ — [nʌn] grammar word summary: None can be: ■ a pronoun: I asked for some more cake, but there was none left. ♦ None of my friends will help me. ■ an adverb: She looked none too pleased. not any of a group of people or things, or no amount of… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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