no skin off someone's teeth
- no skin off someone's teeth
no skin off someone's teeth & no skin off someone's nose
Fig. no difficulty for someone; no cause for concern to someone. •
It's no skin off my nose if she wants to act that way.
She said it was no skin off her teeth if we wanted to sell the house.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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skin — ► NOUN 1) the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal. 2) the skin of a dead animal used as material for clothing or other items. 3) the peel or outer layer of a fruit or vegetable. 4) an outer… … English terms dictionary
skin — [skin] n. [ME skinn < ON, akin to Ger schinden, to flay, peel < IE * (s)ken(d) , to split off (< base * sek , to cut: see SAW1) > OIr ceinn, a scale, scurf] 1. the outer covering or integument of the animal body 2. such a covering,… … English World dictionary
skin — skin1 W2S2 [skın] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(body)¦ 2¦(from an animal)¦ 3¦(food)¦ 4¦(on a liquid)¦ 5¦(part of an object)¦ 6¦(computer)¦ 7 have (a) thin/thick skin 8 get under somebody s skin 9 by the skin of your teeth 10 make s … Dictionary of contemporary English
skin — skin1 [ skın ] noun count or uncount *** 1. ) the outer layer of a person s or animal s body: She has beautiful soft skin. A dog s skin is covered with fur. Most snakes shed their skin several times a year. fair/dark/olive skin: I have fair skin… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
skin — 1 /skIn/ noun 1 BODY (C, U) a) the natural outer layer of a human or animal body: Babies have beautifully soft skin. | amphibians with their smooth, moist skins | a skin disease | fair/dark skin: Madhur was beautiful with her thick black hair and … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
skin — skinlike, adj. /skin/, n., v., skinned, skinning, adj. n. 1. the external covering or integument of an animal body, esp. when soft and flexible. 2. such an integument stripped from the body of an animal, esp. a small animal; pelt: a beaver skin.… … Universalium
skin — /skɪn / (say skin) noun 1. the external covering or integument of an animal body, especially when soft and flexible. 2. such an integument stripped from the body of an animal; pelt. 3. any integumentary covering, outer coating, or surface layer,… …
skin — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. flay, peel, decorticate; Slang, fleece, cheat. See divestment, stealing. n. integument, cuticle, dermis, epidermis; pelt, hide; rind; veneer, plating, lamina; parchment. See covering. II (Roget s… … English dictionary for students
skin — I UK [skɪn] / US noun Word forms skin : singular skin plural skins *** 1) [countable/uncountable] the outer layer of a person s or animal s body She has beautiful soft skin. Most snakes shed their skin several times a year. fair/dark/olive skin:… … English dictionary
skin — noun 1》 the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal. ↘the skin of a dead animal used as material for clothing or other items. ↘a container made from the skin of an animal, used for holding … English new terms dictionary
skin — 1. noun 1) these chemicals could damage the skin Syn: epidermis, dermis, derma 2) Mary s fair skin Syn: complexion, coloring, skin color/tone, pigmentation 3) leopard skins Syn … Thesaurus of popular words