- no biggie
- no big deal & no biggieInf. [of something] not difficult or troublesome. •
Don't worry. It's no big deal to wash the car.
•No problem. It's no biggie.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Don't worry. It's no big deal to wash the car.
•No problem. It's no biggie.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Biggie & Tupac — Biggie Tupac Biggie Tupac Titre original Biggie and Tupac Réalisation Nick Broomfield Musique Christian Henson Photographie Joan Churchill Montage Mark Atkins Jaime Estrada Torres Production Nick Broomfield Michele d Acosta Georgea Blakey (exé … Wikipédia en Français
Biggie & Tupac — Données clés Titre original Biggie and Tupac Réalisation Nick Broomfield Sociétés de production FilmFour Lafayette Films Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Biggie Kapeta — (1956 1999) was a Zimbabwean sculptor. He was the nephew of Sylvester Mubayi, with whom he studied, and later spent two years as an artist in residence at the Chapungu Sculpture Park, where some of his work may be seen on display. He was the… … Wikipedia
biggie — (n.) 1931, from BIG (Cf. big) + IE (Cf. ie) … Etymology dictionary
biggie — ☆ biggie [big′ē ] n. Informal an important person or thing … English World dictionary
Biggie — The Notorious B.I.G. The Notorious B.I.G Alias The Notorious B.I.G. Biggie Biggie Smalls Big Poppa Frank White Nom Christopher George Latore Wallace Naissance 21 mai 1972 … Wikipédia en Français
Biggie Smalls — The Notorious B.I.G. The Notorious B.I.G Alias The Notorious B.I.G. Biggie Biggie Smalls Big Poppa Frank White Nom Christopher George Latore Wallace Naissance 21 mai 1972 … Wikipédia en Français
Biggie Smallz — The Notorious B.I.G. The Notorious B.I.G Alias The Notorious B.I.G. Biggie Biggie Smalls Big Poppa Frank White Nom Christopher George Latore Wallace Naissance 21 mai 1972 … Wikipédia en Français
Biggie — The Notorious B.I.G. (* 21. Mai 1972 in Brooklyn, New York; † 9. März 1997 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien; eigentlich Christopher Wallace), auch als Biggie, Biggie Smalls und Frank White bekannt, war ein US amerikanischer Rapper der 1990er Jahre.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Biggie Smalls — The Notorious B.I.G. (* 21. Mai 1972 in Brooklyn, New York; † 9. März 1997 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien; eigentlich Christopher Wallace), auch als Biggie, Biggie Smalls und Frank White bekannt, war ein US amerikanischer Rapper der 1990er Jahre.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Biggie Munn — Clarence Lester Biggie Munn (September 11, 1908 ndash;March 18, 1975) was a college football player and coach. He is most notable for coaching Michigan State University (MSU) from 1947 1953. He retired from coaching with a 28 game winning streak… … Wikipedia