nip something in the bud

nip something in the bud
nip something in the bud
Fig. to put an end to something before it develops into something larger. (Alludes to destroying a flower bud before it blooms.) •

I wanted to nip that little romance in the bud.

The whole idea was nipped in the bud.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • nip something in the bud — nip (something) in the bud to prevent a small problem from getting worse by stopping it soon after it starts. The strike was nipped in the bud by some clever negotiation …   New idioms dictionary

  • nip something in the bud — CUT SHORT, curtail, check, curb, thwart, frustrate, stop, halt, arrest, stifle, obstruct, block, squash, quash, subdue, crack down on, stamp out; informal put the kibosh on. → nip * * * nip something in the bud informal phrase to stop a bad… …   Useful english dictionary

  • nip something in the bud — before your children start spending most of their free time in front of the television or computer, nip it in the bud Syn: cut short, curtail, check, curb, thwart, frustrate, stop, halt, arrest, stifle, obstruct, block, squash, quash, subdue,… …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • nip something in the bud — informal to stop a bad situation from becoming worse by taking action at an early stage of its development We need to nip this bad behaviour in the bud …   English dictionary

  • nip it in the bud — If you nip something in the bud, you deal with a problem when it is still small, before it can grow into something serious …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • nip it in the bud —    If you nip something in the bud, you deal with a problem when it is still small, before it can grow into something serious.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Nip it in the bud —   If you nip something in the bud, you deal with a problem when it is still small, before it can grow into something serious …   Dictionary of English idioms

  • nip something in the bud — suppress or destroy something at an early stage. → nip …   English new terms dictionary

  • nip in the bud — To destroy or put a stop to (something) at its very beginning • • • Main Entry: ↑bud nip in the bud see under ↑bud1 • • • Main Entry: ↑nip * * * nip (something) in the bud see ↑nip …   Useful english dictionary

  • nip in the bud — nip (something) in the bud to prevent a small problem from getting worse by stopping it soon after it starts. The strike was nipped in the bud by some clever negotiation …   New idioms dictionary

  • nip in the bud — verb /ˈnɪp.ɪn.ðəˈbʌd/ a) To remove a bud from a plant to prevent flower and fruit from forming. If you see a bad habit begin to develop, try to nip it in the bud so that it does not become ingrained, issues are easier to sort out the earlier they …   Wiktionary

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