make someone's flesh crawl
- make someone's flesh crawl
make someone's flesh crawl & make someone's skin crawl
to cause someone's skin to feel funny or get goose pimples through fright. •
Just to hear the story of the killings made my flesh crawl.
The horror movie made our skin crawl.
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make (someone's) flesh crawl — make (someone s) flesh crawl/creep if someone or something makes your flesh creep, you think they are extremely unpleasant or frightening. Spiders and insects really make my flesh crawl. (often in present tenses) I hate that guy in accounts, he… … New idioms dictionary
make someone's flesh crawl — make someone’s flesh crawl/creep/ phrase to make someone feel afraid or disgusted The thought of him makes my flesh creep. Thesaurus: to make someone afraid or frightenedsynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
make someone's flesh crawl — ► make someone s flesh creep (or crawl) cause someone to feel fear, horror, or disgust. Main Entry: ↑flesh … English terms dictionary
make someone's flesh creep — To arouse a feeling of horror in someone • • • Main Entry: ↑flesh * * * make someone’s flesh crawl/creep/ phrase to make someone feel afraid or disgusted The thought of him makes my flesh creep … Useful english dictionary
make (someone's) flesh creep — make (someone s) flesh crawl/creep if someone or something makes your flesh creep, you think they are extremely unpleasant or frightening. Spiders and insects really make my flesh crawl. (often in present tenses) I hate that guy in accounts, he… … New idioms dictionary
make someone's flesh creep (or crawl) — cause someone to feel fear, horror, or disgust. → flesh … English new terms dictionary
make someone's flesh creep — ► make someone s flesh creep (or crawl) cause someone to feel fear, horror, or disgust. Main Entry: ↑flesh … English terms dictionary
make someone's skin crawl — I see skin II make someone s skin (or flesh) crawl (or creep) cause someone to feel fear, horror, or disgust a person dying in a fire doesn t it make your skin crawl? … Useful english dictionary
make your flesh crawl — make your skin/flesh/crawl phrase to give you a very unpleasant and slightly frightened feeling Thesaurus: to make someone afraid or frightenedsynonym Main entry: crawl … Useful english dictionary
crawl — crawl1 [krôl] vi. [ME craulen < ON krafla < Gmc base * krab , *kreb , to scratch (> Ger krabbeln): for IE base see CRAB1] 1. to move slowly by dragging the body along the ground, as a worm 2. to go on hands and knees; creep 3. to move or … English World dictionary
flesh — flesh1 [ fleʃ ] noun uncount ** 1. ) the soft part of people s or animals bodies that consists mostly of muscle and fat: The dog s teeth sank into my flesh. a ) a person s skin: I felt the soft flesh of his cheek. 2. ) the soft part of a fruit or … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English