like stink — (informal) 1. Very much, to a great extent 2. Intensely • • • Main Entry: ↑stink * * * like stink british informal phrase very fast, or with a lot of energy Thesaurus: words used to describe effort … Useful english dictionary
like stink — ► like stink informal extremely hard or intensely. Main Entry: ↑stink … English terms dictionary
like stink — mod. rapidly. (As fast as a smell spreads.) □ Those kids moved through the whole test like stink. Real eager beavers. □ As long as she can run like stink, swim like stink, and smell like a flower, she gets my support … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
like stink — informal extremely hard or intensely. → stink … English new terms dictionary
like stink — British informal very fast, or with a lot of energy … English dictionary
go like stink — go fast, accelerate quickly That Mustang goes like stink. It s a fast car … English idioms
stink — ► VERB (past stank or stunk; past part. stunk) 1) have a strong unpleasant smell. 2) informal be contemptible or scandalous. ► NOUN 1) a strong, unpleasant smell. 2) informal a row or fuss … English terms dictionary
stink — 1 past tense stank, past participle stunk verb (I) 1 to have a strong and very unpleasant smell: That paint stinks! (+ of): The place stank of old fish. | it stinks: It stinks of smoke in here. | stink to high heaven (=stink very much) 2 it… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stink — stink1 S3 [stıŋk] v past tense stank [stæŋk] past participle stunk [stʌŋk] [: Old English; Origin: stincan] 1.) to have a strong and very unpleasant smell ▪ It stinks in here! stink of ▪ His breath stank of alcohol. ▪ … Dictionary of contemporary English
stink — v. & n. v. (past stank or stunk; past part. stunk) 1 intr. emit a strong offensive smell. 2 tr. (often foll. by out) fill (a place) with a stink. 3 tr. (foll. by out etc.) drive (a person) out etc. by a stink. 4 intr. colloq. be or seem very… … Useful english dictionary
stink — I UK [stɪŋk] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms stink : present tense I/you/we/they stink he/she/it stinks present participle stinking past tense stank UK [stæŋk] / US or stunk UK [stʌŋk] / US past participle stunk informal 1) to smell very… … English dictionary