light something up

light something up
light something up
1. to light a fire, a gas burner, etc. •

I lit the kindling up and soon the fire was going.

You light up the stove and get dinner going.

2. to light something to smoke, such as a cigarette, pipe, etc. (See also light someone or something up.) •

She lit the cigarette up and took in a great breath of the smoke.

She lit up a cigarette.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • light something up — 1 a flare lit up the night sky: MAKE BRIGHT, brighten, illuminate, lighten, throw/cast light on, shine on, irradiate; poetic/literary illumine. 2 her enthusiasm lit up her face: ANIMATE, irradiate, brighten …   Useful english dictionary

  • light something up — ignite a cigarette, cigar, or pipe and begin to smoke it. → light …   English new terms dictionary

  • light something up — 1) a flare lit up the night sky Syn: make bright, brighten, illuminate, lighten, throw/cast light on, shine on, irradiate; literary illumine, illume 2) her enthusiasm lit up her face Syn: animate, irradiate, brighten …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • light — I [[t]la͟ɪt[/t]] BRIGHTNESS OR ILLUMINATION ♦♦ lights, lighting, lit, lighted, lighter, lightest (The form lit is the usual past tense and past participle, but the form lighted is also used.) 1) N UNCOUNT: also the N Light is the brightness that… …   English dictionary

  • light — 1 /laIt/ noun 1 NATURAL/ARTIFICIAL LIGHT a) (U) the energy from the sun, a flame, a lamp etc that allows you to see things: the morning light streaming in through the windows | We could see a tiny glimmer of light in the distance. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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  • light — I 1. noun 1) the light of candles Syn: illumination, brightness, luminescence, luminosity, shining, gleaming, gleam, brilliance, radiance, luster, glowing, glow, blaze, glare, dazzle; sunlight, moonlig …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • light up — 1) PHR V ERG If you light something up or if it lights up, it becomes bright, usually when you shine light on it. [V P] ...a keypad that lights up when you pick up the handset... [V P n (not pron)] It isn t possible to heat one half of a bedroom… …   English dictionary

  • Something/Anything? — Studio album by Todd Rundgren Released February 1972 …   Wikipedia

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  • light — light1 [līt] n. [ME liht < OE lēoht, akin to Ger licht < IE base * leuk , to shine, bright > Gr leukos, white, L lux & lumen, light, lucere, to shine, luna, moon, Welsh llug, gleam] 1. a) the form of electromagnetic radiation that acts… …   English World dictionary

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