leave someone high and dry
- leave someone high and dry
leave someone high and dry
1. Lit. [for water] to recede and leave someone untouched. •
The waters receded and left us high and dry.
2. Fig. to leave someone unsupported and unable to maneuver; to leave someone helpless. •
All my workers quit and left me high and dry.
All the children ran away and left Billy high and dry to take the blame for the broken window.
3. Fig. to leave someone
flat broke. •
Mrs. Franklin took all the money out of the bank and left Mr. Franklin high and dry.
Paying the bills always leaves me high and dry.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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leave someone high and dry — phrase to put someone in a very difficult or unpleasant situation that they cannot escape from By switching to cheaper overseas suppliers they have left us high and dry. Thesaurus: to cause problems for someone or somethingsynonym Main entry:… … Useful english dictionary
leave someone high and dry — leave (someone) high and dry to put someone in a very difficult situation which they have no way of making better. The stock market crash left us high and dry with debts of over Ј200 000 … New idioms dictionary
leave someone high and dry — to put someone in a very difficult or unpleasant situation that they cannot escape from By switching to cheaper overseas suppliers they have left us high and dry … English dictionary
high and dry — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Up above the water; beyond the reach of splashing or waves. * /Mary was afraid she had left her towel where the tide would reach it, but she found it high and dry./ * /When the tide went out the boat was high and dry./ 2 … Dictionary of American idioms
high and dry — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Up above the water; beyond the reach of splashing or waves. * /Mary was afraid she had left her towel where the tide would reach it, but she found it high and dry./ * /When the tide went out the boat was high and dry./ 2 … Dictionary of American idioms
leave high and dry — leave (someone) high and dry to put someone in a very difficult situation which they have no way of making better. The stock market crash left us high and dry with debts of over Ј200 000 … New idioms dictionary
leave someone in the lurch — LEAVE IN TROUBLE, let down, leave stranded, leave high and dry, abandon, desert. → leave * * * leave someone in the lurch To leave someone in a difficult situation without help • • • Main Entry: ↑lurch * * * leave someone in the lurch phrase to… … Useful english dictionary
leave someone in the lurch — Wally talked us into taking part in the protest, and then he just left us in the lurch Syn: leave in trouble, let down, leave stranded, leave high and dry, abandon, desert … Thesaurus of popular words
leave — leave1 [ liv ] (past tense and past participle left [ left ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 go away from place ▸ 2 go away permanently ▸ 3 stop working for someone etc. ▸ 4 put something somewhere ▸ 5 make something that remains ▸ 6 make someone feel/think ▸ 7… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
leave — I UK [liːv] / US [lɪv] verb Word forms leave : present tense I/you/we/they leave he/she/it leaves present participle leaving past tense left UK [left] / US past participle left *** 1) a) [intransitive/transitive] to go away from a place We left… … English dictionary
dry — dry1 W2S2 [draı] adj comparative drier superlative driest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not wet)¦ 2¦(weather)¦ 3 dry mouth/skin/lips/hair etc 4 run/go dry 5¦(humour)¦ 6¦(boring)¦ 7 dry cough 8 dry wine/sherr … Dictionary of contemporary English