- key to success
- the key to successFig. the secret to someone's success. •
Bob said that the key to his success is working hard, being on time, and being extremely lucky.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Bob said that the key to his success is working hard, being on time, and being extremely lucky.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
key to success — way to achieve goals, way to succeed … English contemporary dictionary
the key to success — the most important factor, best way to succeed He said the key to success in business is customer service … English idioms
key — Ⅰ. key [1] ► NOUN (pl. keys) 1) a small piece of shaped metal which is inserted into a lock and rotated to open or close it. 2) an instrument for grasping and turning a screw, peg, or nut. 3) a lever depressed by the finger in playing an… … English terms dictionary
success — noun 1 good results ADJECTIVE ▪ enormous, great, immense, massive ▪ considerable, real, tremendous ▪ conspicuous … Collocations dictionary
key — key1 W1S2 [ki:] adj [no comparative] very important or necessary ▪ China s support is key to the success of the coalition. key factor/points/questions etc ▪ The President makes all the key decisions on foreign policy. key role/player/figure etc ( … Dictionary of contemporary English
key — I UK [kiː] / US [kɪ] noun [countable] Word forms key : singular key plural keys *** 1) a small piece of metal used for opening or locking a door or a container, or for starting the engine of a vehicle I could hear someone turning the key in the… … English dictionary
key — key1 [ ki ] noun count *** ▸ 1 for opening/locking ▸ 2 for achieving something ▸ 3 on computer/instrument ▸ 4 in music ▸ 5 list of meanings/answers 1. ) a small piece of metal used for opening or locking a door or a container, or for starting the … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
success — [[t]səkse̱s[/t]] ♦♦ successes 1) N UNCOUNT Success is the achievement of something that you have been trying to do. It s important for the long term success of any diet that you vary your meals. ...the success of European business in building a… … English dictionary
key — [[t]ki͟ː[/t]] ♦♦ keys, keying, keyed 1) N COUNT A key is a specially shaped piece of metal that you place in a lock and turn in order to open or lock a door, or to start or stop the engine of a vehicle. They put the key in the door and entered … English dictionary
key*/*/*/ — [kiː] noun [C] I 1) a small piece of metal that is used for opening or locking a door or a container, or for starting the engine of a vehicle a bunch of keys[/ex] house/car keys[/ex] I could hear someone turning the key in the lock.[/ex] Where s… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
key — 1. noun 1) I put my key in the lock Syn: door key, latchkey, pass key, master key 2) the key to the mystery the key to success Syn: answer, clue, solution, explanation; basis … Thesaurus of popular words