Keep your mouth shut (about someone or something).
- Keep your mouth shut (about someone or something).
Keep your mouth shut (about someone or something).
Fig. Do not tell anyone about someone or something. •
Bob: Are you going to see the doctor? Mary: Yes, but keep your mouth shut about it.
Bob: Isn't Tom's uncle in tax trouble? Jane: Yes, but keep your mouth shut about him.
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keep your mouth shut — informal 1) to not tell anyone about something She hoped Jason would keep his mouth shut about his doubts. 2) to not say anything When she starts talking about marriage, I just keep my mouth shut. 3) impolite an offensive way of telling someone… … English dictionary
shut — [[t]ʃʌ̱t[/t]] ♦♦♦ shuts, shutting (The form shut is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle.) 1) V ERG If you shut something such as a door or if it shuts, it moves so that it fills a hole or a space. [V n] Just make… … English dictionary
mouth — ♦♦ mouths, mouthing, mouthed (The noun is pronounced [[t]ma͟ʊθ[/t]]. The verb is pronounced [[t]ma͟ʊð[/t]]. The plural of the noun and the third person singular of the verb are both pronounced [[t]ma͟ʊðz[/t]].) 1) N COUNT: oft poss N Your mouth… … English dictionary
mouth — mouth1 W1S2 [mauθ] n plural mouths [mauðz] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(face)¦ 2 keep your mouth shut 3 open your mouth 4 (you) watch your mouth 5¦(entrance)¦ 6¦(river)¦ 7¦(bottle/container)¦ 8 big m … Dictionary of contemporary English
shut — shut1 [ ʃʌt ] (past tense and past participle shut) verb *** 1. ) transitive to close something, for example a door, window, or drawer: Please shut the door behind you. Shut the gate or the dog will get out. Don t worry about the curtains, I ll… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
shut — shut1 W2S1 [ʃʌt] v past tense and past participle shut present participle shutting [: Old English; Origin: scyttan] 1.) [I and T] to close something, or to become closed ▪ Shut the window, Ellen! ▪ I heard his bedroom door shut. ▪ She lay down on … Dictionary of contemporary English
mouth — 1 /maUT/ noun plural mouths /maUDz/ 1 FACE (C) the part of your face which you put food into, or which you use for speaking: Don t talk with your mouth full of food! 2 keep your mouth shut informal a) to not tell other people about a secret: I… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
mouth — mouth1 [ mauθ ] (plural mouths [ mauðz ] ) noun count *** 1. ) the part of your face below your nose that you use to eat and speak. The corners of your mouth are the two outside ends of it, and the inside top part of your mouth is called the roof … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
shut — I UK [ʃʌt] / US verb Word forms shut : present tense I/you/we/they shut he/she/it shuts present participle shutting past tense shut past participle shut *** 1) [transitive] to close something, for example a door, window, or drawer Please shut the … English dictionary
mouth — I UK [maʊθ] / US noun [countable] Word forms mouth : singular mouth plural mouths UK [maʊðz] / US *** 1) a) the part of your face below your nose that you use to eat and speak. The corners of your mouth are the two outside ends of it, and the… … English dictionary
shut — 1 /SVt/ verb past tense and past participle past tense and past participle shut present participle shutting 1 (I, T) to close something, or to become closed: The door shut with a bang. | She lay down on her bed and shut her eyes. | Laruelle put… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English