keep someone up — keep (someone) up to cause someone to stay awake. I hope I m not keeping you up. You re making so much noise, you re going to keep up the whole neighborhood! … New idioms dictionary
keep someone posted — KEEP INFORMED, keep up to date, keep in the picture, keep briefed, update, fill in; informal keep up to speed. → post * * * keep someone posted phrase to regularly give someone information about something that they are interested in, for example… … Useful english dictionary
keep someone guessing — To cause someone to remain in a state of uncertainty • • • Main Entry: ↑guess * * * keep someone guessing phrase to deliberately not tell someone what is happening or what is going to happen The origins of the name kept everyone guessing.… … Useful english dictionary
keep someone sweet — To ensure that someone remains well disposed towards one • • • Main Entry: ↑sweet * * * keep someone sweet informal phrase to do good things for someone so that they will continue to support you or to be friendly to you They want to keep us sweet … Useful english dictionary
keep someone on their toes — phrase to make someone concentrate so that they are ready to deal with anything that might happen He keeps changing the rules, just to keep us on our toes. Thesaurus: to have an effect on someone s emotions or attitudessynonym Main entry: toe * * … Useful english dictionary
keep someone at a distance — To treat someone with aloofness • • • Main Entry: ↑distance * * * keep someone at a distance phrase to not let someone become friendly with you Thesaurus: to fail or refuse to communicate with someonesynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
keep someone busy — phrase to have or give someone a lot of things to do or think about, often as a way of filling up time We’ve got enough work here to keep us busy for weeks. You keep them busy while I call the police. I try to keep myself busy as much as possible … Useful english dictionary
keep someone company — phrase to spend time with someone so that they will not feel lonely Would you like me to stay and keep you company? Thesaurus: to spend time with friendssynonym Main entry: company * * * accompany or spend time with someone in order to prevent… … Useful english dictionary
keep someone waiting — phrase to make someone stay in one place or do nothing until you are ready to see or talk to them We were kept waiting outside his office for over an hour. Don’t keep me waiting for an answer. wait for someone/something to do something: Rescue… … Useful english dictionary
keep at (or keep someone at) — persist (or force someone to persist) with. → keep … English new terms dictionary
keep from (or keep someone from) — avoid (or cause someone to avoid) doing something. → keep … English new terms dictionary