keep someone or something in with someone or something
- keep someone or something in with someone or something
keep someone or something in with someone or something
to locate people or things together, in any combination. •
I will keep Tom in with me until he gets his own room.
We will keep the cat in with Tom until there is room elsewhere.
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keep someone at arm's length — keep (someone/something) at arm s length to avoid becoming connected with someone or something. We proposed a tax break for companies that treat their workers well, but lawmakers are keeping the idea at arm s length for now. She doesn t talk much … New idioms dictionary
keep someone going in something — To keep someone supplied with something • • • Main Entry: ↑keep … Useful english dictionary
keep distance from something — keep (your) distance (from (someone/something)) to avoid becoming too friendly or emotionally involved with someone. I ve seen her around the office, but she keeps her distance from most of us. The boy carefully kept his distance from the… … New idioms dictionary
keep someone in the picture — (or put someone in the picture) chiefly Brit : to give someone the information that is needed to understand something Teachers meet regularly with parents to keep them in the picture about their child s progress. I ll put you in the picture as… … Useful english dictionary
keep someone up to date (with something) — bring/keep/someone up to date ( with/on/something) phrase to inform someone of all the most recent news and changes in a situation The newsletter will keep you up to date with our progress. Thesaurus: to tell someone something, or to give… … Useful english dictionary
keep someone up to date (on something) — bring/keep/someone up to date ( with/on/something) phrase to inform someone of all the most recent news and changes in a situation The newsletter will keep you up to date with our progress. Thesaurus: to tell someone something, or to give… … Useful english dictionary
keep someone at arm's length — If you keep someone or something at arm s length, you keep a safe distance away from them. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If you keep someone at arm s length, you do not allow yourself to become friendly with them. It s not easy… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
keep someone/something at arm's length — avoid intimacy or close contact with someone or something … Useful english dictionary
keep something at arm's length — keep (someone/something) at arm s length to avoid becoming connected with someone or something. We proposed a tax break for companies that treat their workers well, but lawmakers are keeping the idea at arm s length for now. She doesn t talk much … New idioms dictionary
keep at arm's length — keep (someone/something) at arm s length to avoid becoming connected with someone or something. We proposed a tax break for companies that treat their workers well, but lawmakers are keeping the idea at arm s length for now. She doesn t talk much … New idioms dictionary
keep your distance from something — keep (your) distance (from (someone/something)) to avoid becoming too friendly or emotionally involved with someone. I ve seen her around the office, but she keeps her distance from most of us. The boy carefully kept his distance from the… … New idioms dictionary