- joined at the hip
- joined at the hipSl. closely connected; always together. •
Those two are joined at the hip. They are always together.
•Sam and Martha are joined at the hip.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Those two are joined at the hip. They are always together.
•Sam and Martha are joined at the hip.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
joined at the hip — informal used to describe two people who are often or usually together She and her sister used to be joined at the hip [=inseparable] when they were kids. • • • Main Entry: ↑hip … Useful english dictionary
joined at the hip — If people are joined at the hip, they are very closely connected and think the same way … The small dictionary of idiomes
joined at the hip — 1. very closely connected. The two companies have been joined at the hip since their founders went camping together a hundred years ago. 2. together. The new law would keep unhappy couples joined at the hip for the sake of their children.… … New idioms dictionary
joined at the hip — mod. closely connected; as thick as thieves. (As Siamese twins are joined.) □ Those two are joined at the hip. They are always together. □ Sam and Martha are joined at the hip … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
joined at the hip — If people are joined at the hip, they are very closely connected and think the same way. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
be joined at the hip — if you say that two people are joined at the hip, you mean that they are very friendly with each other and spend more time together than is usual. I can go to London without Mike. We re not joined at the hip, you know … New idioms dictionary
joined at the hip — adjective Closely connected, as in an intimate friendship … Wiktionary
be joined at the hip — informal (of two people) be inseparable. → hip … English new terms dictionary
hip — hip1 noun 1》 a projection of the pelvis and upper thigh bone on each side of the body. ↘(hips) the circumference of the body at the buttocks. 2》 the edge formed where two sloping sides of a roof meet. Phrases be joined at the hip informal (of … English new terms dictionary
joined — /dʒɔɪnd/ (say joynd) verb 1. past tense and past participle of join. –adjective 2. (of an animal) having mated: a joined heifer. –phrase 3. joined at the hip, Colloquial (of two people) extremely close; inseparable …
The Bridge Wars — was a hip hop rivalry during the mid to late 1980s and early 1990s, that arose from a dispute over the true birthplace of hip hop music and retaliation over the rejecting of a record for airplay [http://www.rap.ru/ru/reading/id 25380 RAP.RU Beef … Wikipedia