it's no use (doing something)
- it's no use (doing something)
it's no use (doing something)
it is hopeless to do something; it is pointless to do something. •
It's no use trying to call on the telephone. The line is always busy.
They tried and tried, but it was no use.
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it's no use (doing something) — it s no ˈuse (doing sth) | what s the ˈuse (of doing sth)? idiom used to say that there is no point in doing sth because it will not be successful or have a good result • What s the use of worrying about it? • It s no use I can t persuade her.… … Useful english dictionary
be no use at (doing) something — informal phrase to be very bad at doing something I’m no use at mending things. Thesaurus: to be unable to do something wellsynonym Main entry: use … Useful english dictionary
there's no use (in) doing something — there’s no use (in) doing something spoken phrase used for saying that something you do is not likely to have a successful result She realized there was no use arguing with him. Thesaurus: likely to failsynonym Main entry: use … Useful english dictionary
what's the use of doing something? — it s no ˈuse (doing sth) | what s the ˈuse (of doing sth)? idiom used to say that there is no point in doing sth because it will not be successful or have a good result • What s the use of worrying about it? • It s no use I can t persuade her.… … Useful english dictionary
set about doing something — set about (something/doing something) to begin to do or deal with something. Beall has set about the delicate task of getting the companies to work together. After putting up the tent, she set about making a fire. I bought a computer, got a book… … New idioms dictionary
have visions of (doing) something — phrase to imagine that a particular thing is going to happen in the future I had visions of cold showers and hard beds, but in fact the place was pretty comfortable. Thesaurus: to imagine, or to use your imaginationsynonym Main entry: vision … Useful english dictionary
use — use1 [ juz ] verb *** ▸ 1 do something with tool etc. ▸ 2 get benefit from something ▸ 3 take amount from supply ▸ 4 treat someone in unfair way ▸ 5 take illegal drugs ▸ 6 say particular words ▸ 7 call yourself something ▸ + PHRASES 1. )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
use */*/*/ — I UK [juːz] / US [juz] verb Word forms use : present tense I/you/we/they use he/she/it uses present participle using past tense used past participle used 1) [transitive] to do something using a machine, tool, skill, method etc in order to do a… … English dictionary
use — use1 W1S1 [ju:z] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(use something)¦ 2¦(amount of something)¦ 3¦(treat somebody unfairly)¦ 4¦(an advantage)¦ 5 could use something 6¦(word)¦ 7¦(drugs)¦ Phrasal verbs use something<=>up ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date … Dictionary of contemporary English
use — 1 /ju:z/ verb (T) 1 USE STH if you use a particular tool, method, service, ability etc, you do something with that tool, by means of that method etc, for a particular purpose: Can I use your phone? | More people are using the library than ever… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
use*/*/*/ — [juːz] verb I 1) [T] to do something using a machine, tool, skill, method etc to do a job or to achieve a result Using a computer is so much quicker.[/ex] What type of soap do you use?[/ex] Using all his charm, he managed to persuade them.[/ex]… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English