interest someone in something
- interest someone in something
interest someone in something
to cause someone to wish to purchase something. •
Could I interest you in something with a little more style to it?
Can I interest you in some additional insurance on your life?
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could I interest you in something — can/could I interest you in something phrase used as a polite way of persuading someone to do or try something Could I interest you in something from our range of beauty products? Thesaurus: ways of encouraging or telling someone to do… … Useful english dictionary
can I interest you in something — can/could I interest you in something phrase used as a polite way of persuading someone to do or try something Could I interest you in something from our range of beauty products? Thesaurus: ways of encouraging or telling someone to do… … Useful english dictionary
groove on someone or something — in. to how interest in someone or something; to relate to someone or something. □ Fred was beginning to groove on new age music when he met Phil. □ Sam is really grooving on Mary … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
interest — I UK [ˈɪntrəst] / US noun Word forms interest : singular interest plural interests *** Get it right: interest: When the noun interest means a feeling of wanting to know more about something , it is followed by the preposition in, not for: Wrong:… … English dictionary
interest — in|ter|est1 [ ıntrəst ] noun *** ▸ 1 a need to know ▸ 2 activity you enjoy doing ▸ 3 money paid/received ▸ 4 quality attracting you ▸ 5 advantage/benefit ▸ 6 connection affecting someone ▸ 7 right to own part of something ▸ 8 group with same aim… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
interest — in|terest1 W1S2 [ˈıntrıst] n [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: Anglo French interesse, from Latin interesse to be between, make a difference, concern , from esse to be ] 1.) [singular, U] if you have an interest in something or someone, you want to know… … Dictionary of contemporary English
interest — 1 / Intrist/ noun 1 FEELING (singular, uncountable) a feeling that makes you want to pay attention to something or to find out more about it: Ruth listened with evident interest. (+ in): They share an interest in poetry. | lose interest (=stop… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
interest — the cost of borrowing money. Glossary of Business Terms What is paid to a lender for the use of his money and includes compensation to the lender for three factors: 1) Time value of money (lender s rate) the value of today s dollar is more than… … Financial and business terms
Interest — The price paid for borrowing money. It is expressed as a percentage rate over a period of time and reflects the rate of exchange of present consumption for future consumption. Also, a share or title in property. The New York Times Financial… … Financial and business terms
interest — noun 1》 the feeling of wanting to know about something or someone. ↘a quality exciting curiosity or holding the attention: a tale full of interest. ↘a subject which one enjoys doing or studying. 2》 money paid for the use of money lent, or … English new terms dictionary
interest*/*/*/ — [ˈɪntrəst] noun I 1) [singular/U] a feeling of wanting to know about or take part in something an interest in politics[/ex] Apparently several buyers have expressed an interest in the deal.[/ex] People are losing interest in the election.[/ex] 2) … Dictionary for writing and speaking English