Hunger is the best sauce.
- Hunger is the best sauce.
Hunger is the best sauce.
Prov. Everything tastes especially good when you are hungry, because you are so eager to eat it. •
After our twenty-mile hike, we stopped at a little roadside restaurant. It may have been that they made the most delicious food in the world there, or it may have been that hunger was the best sauce.
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hunger is the best sauce — Cf. CICERO De Finibus II. xxviii. cibi condimentum essefamem, hunger is the spice of food; early 15th cent. Fr. n’est sauce qui vaille fain, there is no sauce worth so much as hunger. 1530 A. BARCLAY Eclogues (EETS) II. 743 Make hunger thy sause… … Proverbs new dictionary
Hunger — 1. Aus Hunger stehlen ist keine Sünde. – Eiselein, 334. Böhm.: Dluh kormoutí, a hlad krade. (Čelakovsky, 188.) Lat.: Viro esurienti necesse est furari. ( Eiselein, 334.) 2. Beim Hunger dient allzeit der beste Koch. – Winckler, XV, 88. 3. Das ist… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
sauce — 01. The [sauce] on my burrito was too hot, and it burnt my lips and tongue. 02. She makes a delicious Chinese chicken dish using black bean [sauce]. 03. Would you like some teriyaki [sauce] on your chicken? 04. I made some spaghetti [sauce] with… … Grammatical examples in English
best — see all’s for the best in the best of all possible worlds the best is the enemy of the good the best of friends must part the best of men are but men at best the best things come in small packages the best things in life are f … Proverbs new dictionary
sauce — see what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander hunger is the best sauce … Proverbs new dictionary
hunger — see hunger drives the wolf out of the wood hunger is the best sauce … Proverbs new dictionary
hunger — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. desire, craving; famine, hungriness, emptiness; appetite, voracity, greed. v. i. desire, crave, yearn; famish, starve. See gluttony. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. craving, longing, yearning, mania,… … English dictionary for students
Aqua Teen Hunger Force (season 1) — Aqua Teen Hunger Force Season 1 Volume One DVD cover, which features episodes 1 16 from season one Country of origin … Wikipedia
Bahamas, The — officially Commonwealth of The Bahamas Archipelago and nation consisting of about 700 islands and numerous cays, northwestern edge of the West Indies, lying southeast of Florida and north of Cuba. Area: 5,386 sq mi (13,950 sq km). Population… … Universalium
Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index — absence absence makes the heart grow fonder he who is absent is always in the wrong the best of friends must part blue are the hills that are far away distance lends enchantment to the view out of sight, out of mind … Proverbs new dictionary
List of Saved by the Bell characters — Below is a list of characters from the TV show Saved by the Bell. Contents 1 Main characters 1.1 Zack Morris 1.2 Kelly Kapowski 1.3 Samuel Screech Powers … Wikipedia