- hum with activity
- hum with activityFig. [for a place] to be busy with activity. •
The kitchen hummed with activity as usual.
•Our main office was humming with activity during the busy season.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
The kitchen hummed with activity as usual.
•Our main office was humming with activity during the busy season.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
activity — n. 1) to engage in, participate in, take part in an activity (all students take part in extracurricular activities) 2) to resume one s activities 3) to break off, terminate an activity 4) to curb; paralyze activity (business activity was… … Combinatory dictionary
hum — [[t]hʌ̱m[/t]] hums, humming, hummed 1) VERB If something hums, it makes a low continuous noise. The birds sang, the bees hummed... Within five hours, the equipment will be humming away again... [V ing] There was a low humming sound in the sky. N… … English dictionary
hum — 01. He was happily [humming] a tune to himself as he worked. 02. Bees [hummed], and birds sang in the sunny spring air. 03. Even when we were in the forest far from the traffic, we could hear cars [humming] by on the highway. 04. The [hum] of… … Grammatical examples in English
hum — hum1 [hʌm] v past tense and past participle hummed present participle humming [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: From the sound] 1.) [I and T] to sing a tune by making a continuous sound with your lips closed hum to yourself ▪ Tony was humming to himself… … Dictionary of contemporary English
hum — hum1 [hum] vi. hummed, humming [ME hummen, of echoic orig., as in Ger hummel, bumblebee, MDu hommeln, hum] 1. to make a low, continuous, murmuring sound like that of a bee or a motor 2. to sing with the lips closed, not producing words 3. to give … English World dictionary
hum — /hum/, v., hummed, humming, n., interj. v.i. 1. to make a low, continuous, droning sound. 2. to give forth an indistinct sound of mingled voices or noises. 3. to utter an indistinct sound in hesitation, embarrassment, dissatisfaction, etc.; hem.… … Universalium
hum — ► VERB (hummed, humming) 1) make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee. 2) sing with closed lips. 3) informal be in a state of great activity. 4) Brit. informal smell unpleasant. ► NOUN ▪ a low … English terms dictionary
Activity — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Activity >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 activity activity Sgm: N 1 briskness briskness liveliness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 animation animation life vivacity spirit dash energy … English dictionary for students
hum — hum1 [ hʌm ] verb 1. ) intransitive or transitive to make musical sounds with your lips closed: Jerry hummed softly to himself. If you don t know the words, just hum the tune. a ) intransitive to make a low continuous sound: The refrigerator… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hum — 1 verb hummed, humming 1 (I, T) to sing a tune by making a continuous sound with your lips closed: Carol hummed quietly to herself as she worked. 2 (I) to make a low, continuous sound: insects humming in the hot summer air 3 (I) to be very busy… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
hum — I UK [hʌm] / US verb Word forms hum : present tense I/you/we/they hum he/she/it hums present participle humming past tense hummed past participle hummed 1) a) [intransitive/transitive] to make musical sounds with your lips closed Jerry hummed… … English dictionary