- How do you like that?
- How do you like that?1. Lit. Do you like that?; Is that to your liking? •
Tom: There's a bigger one over there. How do you like that? Bill: It's better, but not quite what I want.
•Clerk: Here's one without pleats. How do you like that? Fred: That's perfect!
2. Fig. an expression said when administering punishment. •“How do you like that?” growled Tom as he punched John in the stomach.
•Bill (being spanked): Ouch! Ow! No! Mother (spanking): How do you like that? Bill: Not much. Mother: It hurts me more than it hurts you.
3. Fig. an expression said to show surprise at someone's bad or strange behavior or at some surprising event. •Tom (shouting at Sue): Can it! Go away! Sue (looking at Mary, aghast): Well, how do you like that! Mary: Let's get out of here!
•Fred: How do you like that? Sue: What's the matter? Fred: My wallet's gone.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.