press the panic button — press/push/the panic button informal phrase to become very worried about something bad that happens and react suddenly instead of thinking about it calmly The thought of turning 50 makes me want to press the panic button. Thesaurus: to worry or… … Useful english dictionary
press the panic button — become very scared, panic, freak If a dog growls at me, I press the panic button. I scream and run … English idioms
press the panic button — hit/press/push the panic button to do something quickly without thinking about it in order to deal with a difficult or worrying situation. We may have lost the last three games but we re not pushing the panic button yet. (often negative) … New idioms dictionary
press the panic button — Go to hit the anic button … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
push/hit/press the panic button — to become extremely afraid or nervous when something bad happens or might happen Medical officials says there is no need to push the panic button over two isolated cases of the disease. • • • Main Entry: ↑panic button … Useful english dictionary
push the panic button — press/push/the panic button informal phrase to become very worried about something bad that happens and react suddenly instead of thinking about it calmly The thought of turning 50 makes me want to press the panic button. Thesaurus: to worry or… … Useful english dictionary
Press the panic button — begin panicking or over reacting … Dictionary of Australian slang
press the panic button — Australian Slang begin panicking or over reacting … English dialects glossary
push the panic button — {v. phr.}, {slang} To become very much frightened; nervous or excited, especially at a time of danger or worry. * /John thought he saw a ghost and pushed the panic button./ * /Keep cool; don t hit the panic button!/ Syn.: LOSE ONE S HEAD … Dictionary of American idioms
push the panic button — {v. phr.}, {slang} To become very much frightened; nervous or excited, especially at a time of danger or worry. * /John thought he saw a ghost and pushed the panic button./ * /Keep cool; don t hit the panic button!/ Syn.: LOSE ONE S HEAD … Dictionary of American idioms
hit the panic button — AND press the panic button; push the panic button tv. to anic. □ She hit the panic button and just went to pieces. □ Don’t press the panic button. Relax and keep your eyes open … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions