hit someone below the belt
- hit someone below the belt
hit someone below the belt
1. Lit. [for a boxer] to strike an opponent below the belt. (An unfair blow.) •
The champ hit the contender below the belt and the crowd began to boo like fury.
Fred was hit below the belt and suffered considerably.
2. Fig. to deal someone an unfair blow. •
That's not fair! You told them I was the one who ordered the wrong-size carpet. That's hitting me below the belt.
Todd hit below the belt when he said it was all her fault because she had become ill during the trip.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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hit someone below the belt — ► hit someone below the belt 1) Boxing give one s opponent an illegal low blow. 2) behave unfairly towards someone. Main Entry: ↑hit … English terms dictionary
hit someone below the belt — tv. to deal with someone unfairly. (Boxing.) □ Don’t hit the guy below the belt! D You were hitting Tom below the belt when you said that … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
hit someone below the belt — 1》 Boxing give one s opponent an illegal low blow. 2》 behave unfairly towards someone. → histrionics … English new terms dictionary
hit someone below the belt — Boxing give one s opponent an illegal low blow ■ behave unfairly, esp. so as to gain an unfair advantage … Useful english dictionary
below the belt — not fair. That new advertisement really hits below the belt. Usage notes: often used with hit, as in the example Etymology: based on the idea of hitting someone below the belt in boxing, which is against the rules … New idioms dictionary
below the belt — If someone says something that is cruel or unfair, it is below the belt, like the illegal punches in boxing. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** An action or remark described as below the belt is considered to be unfair or cruel. … … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
hit below the belt — be below the belt if something someone says is below the belt, it is cruel and unfair. In the run up to the election, politicians won t hesitate to aim below the belt … New idioms dictionary
hit — ► VERB (hitting; past and past part. hit) 1) direct a blow at (someone or something) with one s hand or a tool or weapon. 2) propel (a ball) with a bat, racket, etc. 3) accidentally strike (part of one s body) against something. 4) (of a moving… … English terms dictionary
hit — verb (hits, hitting, hit) 1》 direct a blow at with one s hand or a tool or weapon. ↘accidentally strike (part of one s body) against something. ↘(of a moving object or body) come into contact with (someone or something stationary) quickly … English new terms dictionary
belt — belt1 W3S2 [belt] n [: Old English;] 1.) a band of leather, cloth etc that you wear around your waist to hold up your clothes or for decoration ▪ He unbuckled his leather belt. 2.) a large area of land that has particular features or where… … Dictionary of contemporary English
belt — belt1 [ belt ] noun count ** 1. ) a narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around your waist, for example to keep your clothes in place or for decoration: a leather/plastic belt put on/fasten a belt a ) in some types of MARTIAL ART… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English