have to hand it to someone
- have to hand it to someone
have to hand it to someone
to give someone credit [for something]. (Includes an expression of obligation, such as
must, got to, have to,
etc.) •
You've really got to hand it to Jane. She has done a fine job.
We have to hand it to Fred. That wine he brought was great.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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have to hand it to someone — ► have to hand it to someone informal used to acknowledge the merit or achievement of someone. Main Entry: ↑hand … English terms dictionary
have to hand it to someone — informal have to acknowledge someone s merit or achievement. → hand … English new terms dictionary
have to hand it to someone — informal used to acknowledge the merit or achievement of someone I ve got to hand it to you you ve got the magic touch … Useful english dictionary
you have to hand it to someone — spoken phrase used for saying that you admire someone for something that they have done Thesaurus: ways of praising someone or somethingsynonym Main entry: hand … Useful english dictionary
I have to hand it to (someone) — I/You have to hand it to (someone) something that you say which means that you admire someone s achievement or you admire a quality in someone, even if you do not admire everything about that person. I don t especially like the man, but you ve… … New idioms dictionary
You have to hand it to (someone) — I/You have to hand it to (someone) something that you say which means that you admire someone s achievement or you admire a quality in someone, even if you do not admire everything about that person. I don t especially like the man, but you ve… … New idioms dictionary
have (got) to hand it to (someone) — to recognize that someone deserves respect for what they did. You have to hand it to her she turned that company around and made it profitable … New idioms dictionary
hand something to someone on a plate — informal phrase to make it easy for someone to have or achieve something that they would normally have to work hard to get The match was handed to them on a plate. Thesaurus: to give someone an unfair advantagesynonym Main entry: plate … Useful english dictionary
you have to hand it to someone — spoken used for saying that you admire someone for something that they have done … English dictionary
hand it to someone — tv. to acknowledge someone’s excellence (at something). □ Well, I have to hand it to you. That was great! □ He had to hand it to her for her excellent performance … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
have on hand — have (someone/something) on hand be on hand to be near and ready if needed. The new store has extra staff on hand to help customers pack their shopping. (often + to do something) … New idioms dictionary