have no use for someone — have no use for (someone/something) to have a very low opinion of someone or something. To my mother, my friends were simply a bunch of bums, and she had no use for them. He has no use for gossip, which he thinks is a waste of time. Etymology:… … New idioms dictionary
have the hots for someone — have the hots for (someone) to be strongly sexually attracted to someone. He s got the hots for that new girl Libby. Usage notes: sometimes used in a humorous way that is not sexual: Consumers have the hots for DSL Internet connections … New idioms dictionary
have the hots for someone — informal phrase to think someone is sexually attractive and want to have sex with them Thesaurus: feeling sexual excitement or desiresynonym sexual activityhyponym Main entry: hots … Useful english dictionary
have hot pants (for someone) — AND have the hots (for someone) tv. to be sexually aroused over someone in particular; to lust after someone. (Also with got as in the example.) □ She really has hot pants for him. □ She’s really got the hots for him … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
have the hots (for someone) — Go to have hot pants (for someone) … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
have high hopes for someone — have high/great/hopes for someone phrase to hope and expect that someone will be very successful The girls are doing very well, and I have very high hopes for them. Thesaurus: to hopesynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
have great hopes for someone — have high/great/hopes for someone phrase to hope and expect that someone will be very successful The girls are doing very well, and I have very high hopes for them. Thesaurus: to hopesynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
have no terrors for someone — have (or hold) no terrors for someone not frighten or worry someone … Useful english dictionary
have the hots (for someone) — vb to nurse a sexual desire for someone, to lust after. The phrase is a variation of other, now obsolescent phrases (to be hot for , to have the hot ass , etc.) in which hot equates with sexually excited. First heard in the USA in the 1960s, the… … Contemporary slang
have the hots for someone — informal to think someone is sexually attractive and want to have sex with them … English dictionary
have it in for someone — Be determined to punish or reprimand someone. Bear a grudge against someone … A concise dictionary of English slang